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17.10.2018 10:45

Generating needs-led electricity with biogas plants

Rüdiger Mack Marketingkommunikation
FIZ Karlsruhe – Leibniz-Institut für Informationsinfrastruktur GmbH

    The share of renewable energy sources in electricity production is to be increased. However, the supply of wind and solar energy varies. Conversion of biogas into electricity offers an opportunity to compensate for such fluctuations through an adapted production. The prerequisite for this is that there is a sufficient and free storage capacity available in the systems at all times. The new BINE Projektinfo “Adjusting operation of biogas plants to power requirements” (07/2018) presents improved systems for filling level measurements and forecasts, and summarises recommendations for plant operation.

    Optimal use of storage capacity

    Weather conditions heavily influence the storage capacity of biogas plants. If the storage tank is too full, the excess methane must be flared off. This is why it is important to plan with a sufficient buffer. Researchers at Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum (DBFZ) optimised measurement methods and developed a forecasting tool to be able to predict the filling level as accurately as possible under different weather conditions. At the same time, they developed a model for forward-looking gas management. The aim is to render the largest possible storage volume usable as a buffer between gas production and utilisation, and to avoid losses due to flaring and leakage.

    The project partner Awite Bioenergie developed a fuzzy logic expert system that also covers gas and CHP management. Based on data from Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD), for example, substrate feed can be adapted. The system is to be expanded to form a control system for the entire plant.

    You found all informations about the BINE Projectinfo brochure entitled “Adjusting operation of biogas plants to power requirements” (07/2018)” here:

    About BINE Information Service

    Energy research for practical applications

    The BINE Information Service reports on energy research topics, such as new materials, systems and components, as well as innovative concepts and methods. The knowledge gained is incorporated into the implementation of new technologies in practice, because first-rate information provides a basis for pioneering decisions, whether in the planning of energy-optimised buildings, increasing the efficiency of industrial processes, or integrating renewable energy sources into existing systems.

    About FIZ Karlsruhe

    FIZ Karlsruhe – Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure is a not-for-profit organization with the public mission to make sci-tech information from all over the world publicly available and to provide related services in order to support the national and international transfer of knowledge and the promotion of innovation.
    Our business areas:
    • STN International – the world’s leading online service for research and patent information in science and technology
    • KnowEsis – innovative eScience solutions to support the process of research in all its stages, and throughout all scientific disciplines
    • Databases and Information Services – Databases and science portals in mathematics, computer science, crystallography, chemistry, and energy technology
    FIZ Karlsruhe is a member of the Leibniz Association (WGL) which consists of 87 German research and infrastructure institutions.

    Wissenschaftliche Ansprechpartner:

    Uwe Milles - Dorothee Gintars
    Redaktionsassistenz: Daniela Pizzini


    Weitere Informationen:


    The BINE Projektinfo “Adjusting operation of biogas plants to power requirements”
    The BINE Projektinfo “Adjusting operation of biogas plants to power requirements”
    © BINE Informationsdienst

    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Journalisten, Lehrer/Schüler, Studierende, Wirtschaftsvertreter, Wissenschaftler
    Biologie, Elektrotechnik, Energie, Umwelt / Ökologie
    Forschungsergebnisse, Forschungsprojekte



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