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02.07.2019 09:33

New Partners in Africa, Asia and Latin America join the ISC3 Spiderweb Network

Dr. Christine Dillmann Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
DECHEMA Gesellschaft für Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie e.V.

    The International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre (ISC3) joined forces with three new partners from Africa, Asia and Latin America: The National Agency for Research and Innovation of Uruguay (ANII), the Indian Green ChemisTree Foundation and the Egyptian social enterprise Youthinkgreen. The partners agreed to collaborate during the first ISC3 Stakeholder Forum in Bonn, Germany and the three organizations joined the global ISC3 Spiderweb Network. The ISC3 and the new partners have agreed to cooperate and support sustainable chemistry innovation by setting up activities in the respective regions.

    Andreas Förster, Director of the ISC3 Innovation Hub, states: “The ISC3 is looking forward to cooperate with our new partners in the fields of entrepreneurship promotion and education. Together we will foster the transformation towards sustainable development”. The first mutual activities will start in the second half of 2019.

    The Spiderweb Network

    Through its Innovation Hub, hosted by the German non-profit professional society DECHEMA(, the ISC3 initiates and supports sustainable innovation and entrepreneurship in the chemicals and chemicals-related sectors. For the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Agenda 2030, the ISC3 has established the Spiderweb Network, as a growing community of organisations and individuals with a shared vision on the role of Sustainable Chemistry. One of the key tools for the collaboration with the new partners is the ISC3 Global Start-up Service, the world's first global program to support start-ups in the field of sustainable chemistry. The service targets entrepreneurs along the entire innovation chain: ideators, early-stage innovators and advanced entrepreneurs who have the potential to solve urgent environmental challenges of sustainable and inclusive development.

    Strategic collaboration for sustainable chemistry in South America

    The National Agency for Research and Innovation of Uruguay (ANII) ( executes the strategic Research and Innovation policy guidelines in Uruguay. It promotes, articulates and strengthens the capabilities of the National Innovation System to achieve a sustainable, productive and social development of the country. Thanks to its political stability, an adequate legal framework and a proper information technology infrastructure, the Uruguayan National Innovation System has the potential to become a role model for the Southern Cone. ANII holds the presidency of the newly formed Network of Latin American Innovation Agencies “RedLAI”. ISC3 and ANII will start joint activities in entrepreneurship and innovation, promote the circulation of talent and initiate a regional dialogue about the relevance of sustainable chemistry for the regional development.

    Support for innovation, entrepreneurs and start-ups in India

    The Green ChemisTree Foundation ( located in Mumbai, India is a non-profit organisation. Its vision is to bring forth technical know-how about green chemistry and engineering applications among the chemical community including industry, academia, research institutes, government bodies, and students. The Green ChemisTree Foundation collaborates with various local and international experts and agencies to create initiatives which can accelerate the implementation of Green Chemistry to achieve Environmental Sustainability. The Industrial Green Chemistry World (IGCW) is the Green ChemisTree Foundation’s flagship convention which brings all stakeholders of the Chemical Industry in India together to deliberate on innovative solutions, best practices and tools in the domain on Green & Sustainable Chemistry. The ISC3 and the Green ChemisTree Foundation will collaborate supporting innovation, entrepreneurs and start-ups in India.

    Training innovators in Egypt

    Youthinkgreen – Egypt ( is a social enterprise educating and empowering youth to apply sustainable ecological solutions to global challenges and problems through designing world-class hands-on and empowerment programs for youth. The organization annually arranges a Sustainability and Entrepreneurship Youth Program in Egypt. It targets diverse groups of youth covering several themes of environmental sustainability and sustainable development. The main goal of the program is to educate and empower young emergent environmental entrepreneurs to create innovative solutions to Egypt’s most pressing sustainability challenges and developing start-up models for such solutions. ISC3 and Youthinkgreen will train and support innovators and entrepreneurs in the fields of sustainable chemistry and circular economy.

    About the International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre (ISC3)

    The ISC3 is a globally acting, non-profit organization. It was founded as a multi-stakeholder platform and think tank in 2017 by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMU) and the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) to promote and develop sustainable chemistry solutions worldwide. The ISC3 is hosted by the German Corporation for International Collaboration (GIZ). It manages a knowledge platform and a network of experts, offers training and support especially for developing countries and carries out innovation scouting activities to discover new technologies and business models. The centre has established an ISC3 Innovation Hub at DECHEMA which initiates innovations in the field of sustainable chemistry and supports entrepreneurs through its Global Start-up Service. ISC3 is also active in the field of science and has established a Research and Education Hub at the Leuphana University.

    Do you have the knowledge of the innovation ecosystem and own a network in your region? Do you see the enabling role of Sustainable Chemistry to achieve the goals of the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development? Enter our Spiderweb Network and join us in supporting innovators for a global breakthrough of Sustainable Chemistry! Contact our team with the following email:

    Weitere Informationen:


    (from left): Friedrich Barth (ISC3), Abdel-Rahman Fahmy (Youthinkgreen) Omar Barreneche (ANII), Nitesh Mehta (ChemisTree)  Andreas Förster, (ISC3 Innovation Hub), Klaus Kümmerer (ISC3 Research Hub)
    (from left): Friedrich Barth (ISC3), Abdel-Rahman Fahmy (Youthinkgreen) Omar Barreneche (ANII), Nite ...

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    Biologie, Chemie, Energie, Umwelt / Ökologie



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