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15.11.2019 09:35

New Executive Directors at DIPF

Philip Stirm Referat Kommunikation
DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation

    The Foundation Council of DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education has appointed Professor Dr. Kai Maaz as Executive Director and Professor Dr. Sabine Reh as Deputy Executive Director of DIPF. As of today, both long-standing members of the institute’s Governing Board have taken their new offices.

    The highest supervisory board of the institute, the Foundation Council, voted unanimously, following a recommendation made by the Governing Board of DIPF. Kai Maaz and Sabine Reh have been appointed to represent the institute for a period of four years. The Governing Board, to which Kai Maaz and Sabine Reh also belong, is constituted by the institute’s five Department Directors as well as the Managing Director. Their mutual decisions will be represented by Maaz and Reh both within and outside of DIPF.

    “Together with the Governing Board, we aim to progressively accentuate the institute’s established profile as an interdisciplinary centre for research and information in education“, explained Kai Maaz. “Because of the multifaceted competences of our staff, we are sure that we will continue to give impulses in both areas as well as in the transfer of knowledge for education“, as Sabine Reh emphasized. Both have referred to digital education as one of DIPF’s future areas of activity; as well as research data infrastructures; assurance of the assessment of learning outcomes and learning prerequisites; tapping historical contexts of contemporary challenges and developments in the field of education; and advising policy-makers.

    The Foundation Council acknowledged Professor Dr. Marcus Hasselhorn and Professor Dr. Marc Rittberger for their commitment. Both had taken turns in their roles as Executive Director and Deputy Executive Director for more than a decade. Mainly due to their tireless dedication, DIPF can look back on highly successful years. During that time DIPF was positively evaluated twice by the Leibniz Association. Several services offered by the institute were added permanently to its portfolio and to the institutional funding, for example the Centre for Technology Based Assessment (TBA) and the research centre for early learning and development processes “Individual Development and Adaptive Education of Children at Risk“ (IDeA). Marcus Hasselhorn and Marc Rittberger will remain members of the Governing Board as well as Directors of their respective Departments.

    Persons and Institute in Portrait

    Professor Dr. Kai Maaz is Director of the Department for Educational Governance at DIPF and Professor for Sociology with a focus on education and society at the Goethe University Frankfurt. His research addresses educational monitoring, transitions in the education system, socio-cultural disparities of educational achievement and educational reforms. Professor Dr. Sabine Reh is Director of the BBF | Research Library for the History of Education at DIPF. She is also Professor for the History of Education at Humboldt University Berlin. Reh has mainly focused her research on the cultural and social history of pedagogical knowledge and on pedagogical institutions and practices. In this regard, she has paid particular attention to the history of school instruction and examination practices.

    DIPF is the Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education, with locations in Frankfurt am Main and in Berlin. DIPF aims to contribute to coping with challenges in education, facilitating access to education and improving the quality of education. Therefore, the institute supports schools, child day-care institutions, scientists, administrators and policy-makers with empirical research, science infrastructures and knowledge transfer.

    Press Contact:
    Philip Stirm, +49 (0)69 24708-123,,

    Wissenschaftliche Ansprechpartner:

    Prof. Dr. Kai Maaz, +49 (0)69 24708-201,
    Prof. Dr. Sabine Reh, +49 (0)30 293 360-661,

    Weitere Informationen:


    Professor Dr. Kai Maaz, Executive Director of DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education
    Professor Dr. Kai Maaz, Executive Director of DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information ...
    Picture: Tom Baerwald for DIPF

    Professor Dr. Sabine Reh, Deputy Executive Director of DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education
    Professor Dr. Sabine Reh, Deputy Executive Director of DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Inf ...


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    Journalisten, Wirtschaftsvertreter, Wissenschaftler, jedermann
    Geschichte / Archäologie, Gesellschaft, Informationstechnik, Pädagogik / Bildung, Psychologie



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