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06.04.2020 15:01

Invasive species with charisma have it easier

Nadja Neumann PR und Wissenstransfer
Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei (IGB)

    It's the outside that counts: Their charisma has an impact on the introduction and image of alien species and can even hinder their control. An international research team, led by the Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences and the Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB), have investigated the influence of charisma on the management of invasive species.

    More and more animals and plants are being taken from their habitat by humans – consciously and unconsciously. Many cannot adapt to the new living conditions, but some are becoming firmly established. "Some non-native species cause serious problems for native species – as predators, competitors for food and habitat, or vectors of diseases," explains Professor Jonathan Jeschke, researcher at IGB and Freie Universität Berlin, and head of the Invasion Dynamics Network which initiated the study.

    As ornamental plants, aquarium inhabitants or exotic pets, charismatic species are probably more likely to be deliberately introduced than inconspicuous species. And "if a non-native species is introduced more frequently and in higher numbers, it is more likely to establish itself," says Jonathan Jeschke.

    The social acceptance of attractive invasive species with charisma is higher than that of unattractive invasive species. This can hamper nature conservation measures designed to contain the spread of a species: "An appearance perceived as beautiful or cute can make the management of species invasions more difficult, because then public support is often lacking," regrets Ivan Jaric, lead author of the study and researcher at the Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences. For example, management actions in Italy to control the invasive grey squirrel – and to protect the native red squirrel – were prevented by protests from interest groups using cute cartoon characters of the animals.

    Even research is taxonomically biased:

    The research priorities on invasive species are largely determined by their ecological and economic impacts. And yet there is a stronger focus on invasive vertebrates than on invertebrates and on large and charismatic species. "Public and also research interest is disproportionately concentrated on charismatic species. This can cause one-sided gaps in knowledge that lead to protective measures being wrongly prioritised," criticises IGB researcher Dr. Gregor Kalinkat, co-author of the study.

    It is therefore important to be aware of the influence of charisma on the management of invasive species and to sensitise actors." This aspect is particularly important when planning and implementing management measures. Conflicts, especially when they affect charismatic species, can arise from the apparent incompatibility of two different ethical perspectives: between those who give priority to the protection of the ecosystem or the conservation of native species and those who are concerned about the welfare of the invasive species concerned," Ivan Jaric underlines the importance of the findings.


    About the Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB):

    “Research for the future of our freshwaters” is the mission of the Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB). IGB is Germany’s largest and one of the leading international research centres for freshwaters. It combines basic and preventive research, trains young scientists and advises decision-makers and society for a sustainable freshwater management. Its key research activities include the long-term development of lakes, rivers and wetlands and the effects of climate change, the renaturation of ecosystems, the conservation of aquatic biodiversity, and technologies for sustainable aquaculture. Work is conducted in close cooperation with universities and research institutions from the Berlin-Brandenburg region as well as worldwide. IGB is a member of the Forschungsverbund Berlin e. V., an association of eight research institutes of natural sciences, life sciences and environmental sciences in Berlin. The institutes are members of the Leibniz Association.

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    Wissenschaftliche Ansprechpartner:

    Ivan Jaric
    The Czech Academy of Sciences, AVCR, Biolody Centre, Institute of Hydrobiology
    Email: ivan.jaric(at)

    Prof. Dr. Jonathan Jeschke
    Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB)
    Email: jeschke(at)


    The role of species charisma in biological invasions. Ivan Jarić, Franck Courchamp, Ricardo A Correia, Sarah L Crowley, Franz Essl, Anke Fischer, Pablo González-Moreno, Gregor Kalinkat, Xavier Lambin, Bernd Lenzner, Yves Meinard, Aileen Mill, Camille Musseau, Ana Novoa, Jan Pergl, Petr Pyšek, Klára Pyšková, Peter Robertson, Menja von Schmalensee, Ross T Shackleton, Robert A Stefansson, Kateřina Štajerová, Diogo Veríssimo, and Jonathan M Jeschke. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment (2020).


    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Biologie, Geowissenschaften, Tier / Land / Forst, Umwelt / Ökologie
    Forschungsergebnisse, Wissenschaftliche Publikationen



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