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29.01.2021 10:49

CO2-neutral: How to leverage hydrogen potential for ports

Eva Heumann Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
ISL - Institut für Seeverkehrswirtschaft und Logistik

    ISL short study on hydrogen as a basis for future-oriented concepts

    Bremen/Bremerhaven, 29.01.2021 – Logistics and the transport industry can derive considerable benefits from innovative concepts and climate-neutral processes based on hydrogen technologies. With its study funded by the Kieserling Foundation, ISL lays the foundation for these concepts and procedures.

    In a first step, the energy requirements for fossil fuels of handling and logistics companies in the area of the Bremerhaven ports are determined by way of example. The application potential for C02-neutral hydrogen technologies will be determined on this basis. Both the direct application of hydrogen and the application of hydrogen products (power to liquid, power to gas) in exemplary subareas in maritime logistics will be considered. This potential for saving fossil fuels is another important step on the way to becoming a green port.

    The aim is to identify potential for the application of hydrogen technologies in the port of Bremerhaven. All areas such as container terminals (e.g. van carriers), port railroad (e.g. shunting operations), port-side ship operations (e.g. tugs, workboats, ferries) as well as port access will be considered. Port operators, policy makers and other stakeholders in the port environment can base their further planning on hydrogen activities on the results of this analysis. The methodology of the study is also transferable to other ports.

    ISL also highlighted current technologies and prerequisites for the production, use and transport of hydrogen in a recently published thesis paper. The thesis paper can be downloaded free of charge:

    Wissenschaftliche Ansprechpartner:

    Dr. Nils Meyer-Larsen
    +49 4 21 220 96-53


    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Journalisten, Wissenschaftler
    Verkehr / Transport



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