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01.02.2021 15:49

Professor Dr Frank Lammert is the new Vice-President of the MHH

Stefan Zorn Stabsstelle Kommunikation
Medizinische Hochschule Hannover

    "Opportunity to develop a health campus with worldwide model character".

    Hannover Medical School (MHH) has a new vice president. Professor Dr. Frank Lammert took office today and is responsible for the Division of Patient Care. Professor Lammert previously worked at Saarland University Hospital as Executive Director of the Centre for Internal Medicine. "Hannover Medical School is facing great challenges that give us the unique opportunity to jointly develop and design an efficient health campus that will serve as a model worldwide," he emphasises.

    Lower Saxony's Science Minister Björn Thümler emphasises that the MHH Presidium is now complete again. "I am delighted that with Frank Lammert we have been able to bring an authority from Saarland to Lower Saxony and appoint him to the Executive Board of the Medical School, and I look forward to further cooperation," says the Minister. MHH President Professor Dr Michael Manns also praises the new Vice-President. "Professor Lammert combines expertise from many disciplines that are evident for the management of MHH as Vice-President for the Divison of Patient Care," explains the President. "He studied medicine as well as economics and was active in clinical and research management positions for decades - excellent qualifications for using the advantages of MHH's integration model for the benefit of patients as well as all employees and students." MHH President Manns expressly thanks the outgoing interim Vice-President Professor Dr Tobias Welte for his outstanding work over the past year.

    "Since its foundation, the MHH, as an independent medical university, has stood for linking patient care, clinical-scientific innovations and education and training like no other institution in university medicine - this is both a mission and an obligation," says the 55-year-old new Vice-President, who was appointed at the suggestion of the MHH Senate and its University Council. "He is looking forward to being able to tackle not only the current pandemic with the large number of MHH staff, but also the problems of recruiting specialist staff, digitalisation and the orientation of patient care towards the common good and sustainability.

    Professor Lammert has held the chair of internal medicine with a focus on gastroenterology and endocrinology and the medical direction of the school for dieticians at Saarland University Hospital since 2008. He is a DFG review board member, an expert at the Institute for Medical and Pharmaceutical Examination Questions and, since 2017, president of the German Society for Gastroenterology, Digestive and Metabolic Diseases (DGVS). RWTH Aachen, Harvard Medical School in Boston and the University Hospital in Bonn were stations in his clinical and scientific career; he did not follow calls to the universities of Groningen and Heidelberg. Frank Lammert is married, has four children and has lived in Hanover since January.


    Professor Manns and Professor Lammert.
    Professor Manns and Professor Lammert.
    Copyright: Karin Kaiser / MHH.

    A portrait of Professor Lammert.
    A portrait of Professor Lammert.
    Copyright: Karin Kaiser / MHH.

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