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15.02.2021 17:01

Invitation to press conference for research project on innovation

Halmstad University, Svante Andersson, Professor Kommunikationsavdelningen / Communications Department
Schwedischer Forschungsrat - The Swedish Research Council

    Press conference February 24: Halmstad University, in collaboration with Aalborg University (Denmark), University of Glasgow (UK) and University of Oulu (Finland), invites to a press conference on the EU-funded project The Innovative Training Network. The press conference is international and is held in English. At the conference, the project will be presented and you will participate in a Q&A session with the project coordinator and local project managers from Denmark, Sweden, Finland and the United Kingdom. After the press conference, it is also possible to conduct individual interviews.

    About the research project
    The research project Legitimation of Newness and Its Impact on EU Agenda for Change (LNETN) addresses the need for innovation in terms of, for example, new technologies, products, companies, organizational forms and institutions. The project aims to train a new generation of researchers and equip them with multidisciplinary, internationally viable perspectives that can be applied to a number of different sectors of society, with the goal of enabling a positive impact on societal development.

    The LNETN project is an EU-funded project organized under Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA). Project manager at Halmstad University is Svante Andersson, professor. The project also includes Jonas Gabrielsson, professor and Natasha Evers, guest professor, as well as four doctoral students. The project started January 1, 2020 and runs over a four-year period, with a total budget of €4,350,760

    More information

    About the press conference
    Time: 10.30–11.30 on 24 February

    The press conference takes place via Zoom (Zoom link)

    10.30–11.00 presentation of the project

    11: 00-11.30 Q&A session

    Weitere Informationen:


    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft



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