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23.03.2021 11:11

Chemical status of European surface waters decreases while monitoring improves

Kerstin Theilmann Referat Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Universität Koblenz-Landau

    Scientists from the University of Landau, Germany, have shown that surface waters throughout Europe are frequently exposed to numerous organic contaminants (e.g., pesticides, industrial chemicals) at concentrations that are detrimental to ecosystem health. According to their findings published in the latest issue of Environment International, organic contaminants impair freshwater ecosystems across Europe, with particularly high threats to fishes and aquatic invertebrates. Freshwaters as one of the key anthropogenic resources thus remain threatened by chemical pollution, highlighting the urgent need for improved freshwater protection

    “We have analysed several million of water quality measurements detailing the occurrence of organic contaminants throughout Europe over the last 15 years and assessed the risks that are posed to freshwater environments” says the lead author Jakob Wolfram, scientist at the Institute for Environmental Sciences in Landau. “Our study found that governmental monitoring improves, yet freshwater systems remain frequently impaired by exposures to numerous organic contaminants and for some important organism groups these conditions continue to deteriorate”.

    The Water Framework Directive was enacted in 2000 with the goal of protecting and restoring aquatic ecosystems to a “good ecological status”. Alongside this monumental water policy effort, large amounts of environmental monitoring data were gathered to track the occurrence of organic contaminants in Europe. For the first time, this large dataset comprising of more than 8 million measurements of 352 organic contaminants in 31 countries over the last 15 years was comprehensively analysed to deduce both the status and trends of European freshwater integrity.

    In this extensive analysis, it was found that most types of organic contaminants, such as industrial chemicals, pesticides and pharmaceuticals, are increasingly found in surface waters. Only one third of water bodies were not contaminated by any organic contaminants in a given year. Upon closer inspection of these sites, it was found that monitoring was substantially less reliable there, likely resulting in failure to detect many relevant contamination events. As a result, the quality of monitoring was compared between countries and shown to be linked to the degree to which contaminants were found in the field. These results suggest that in many countries the true exposure of organic contaminants remains severely underestimated until monitoring efforts improve.

    Especially pesticides remain the dominant factor adversely impacting European freshwaters, causing 85% of ecological threshold exceedances. As a result, water bodies in areas dominated by agriculture were shown to experience the highest pollution that threatens ecosystem integrity. Overall, at 35% of sites an ecological threshold was exceeded in a given year, resulting in 38% of waterbodies being impaired ecologically. While pharmaceuticals did not appear to pose substantial short-term risks, their regular presence could cause long-term effects in aquatic communities that are currently still mostly unknown.

    According to the authors, freshwater ecosystems remain at risk in Europe, particularly for aquatic fish, insects, and crustaceans. Jakob Wolfram adds: “Our results highlight that despite the concerted effort of the Water Framework Directive, further invigorated efforts are now needed to curb the environmental pollution of freshwaters.”

    Wissenschaftliche Ansprechpartner:

    University of Koblenz-Landau
    Institute for Environmental Sciences iES
    Prof. Dr. Ralf Schulz
    Fortstraße 7
    D-76829 Landau
    Phone: +49 6341 280-31327


    “Water Quality and Ecological Risks in European Surface Waters – Monitoring Improves While Water Quality Decreases” by Jakob Wolfram, Sebastian Stehle, Sascha Bub, Lara L. Petschick, Ralf Schulz. The study was published online on March 5, 2021 in the journal Environment International and can be accessed via the following link:


    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Journalisten, Wissenschaftler
    Biologie, Chemie, Umwelt / Ökologie
    Forschungsergebnisse, Wissenschaftliche Publikationen



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