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14.04.2021 09:49

Strategic Research Advisory Board Gives AIT Very Good Rating

Mag. Michael Hlava Corporate and Marketing Communications
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH

    Chairman of the Supervisory Board Hannes Androsch is pleased with the confirmation of the scientific course by an internationally renowned advisory board

    The AIT Austrian Institute of Technology is Austria's largest Research and Technology Organization (RTO) with international expertise in researching the infrastructure topics of the future. The Strategic Research Advisory Board meets once a year at AIT. The SRAB – Strategic Research Advisory Board – consists of six internationally recognized scientists who evaluate the scientific orientation of AIT and thus support the Supervisory Board. SRAB members include Prof. Robert L. Clark, Provost and Senior Vice President for Research at the University of Rochester (New York, USA), the former President of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers, Prof. Jürgen Mlynek (Germany), the former President of the European Research Council, Prof. Helga Nowotny (Austria), the Vice President for University and Global Relations of the University of Singapore, Prof. Andrew Wee, Executive Chair of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, Prof. Dame Lynn Gladden (University of Cambridge, UK) and Prof. Detlef Günther, Vice President for Research and Corporate Relations of ETH Zurich (Switzerland).

    Hannes Androsch, Chairman of the AIT Supervisory Board, attaches particular importance to the panel: "After the reestablishment of the company under the name AIT in 2008, it is largely thanks to the SRAB that the forge of Austria's innovation talent foundry has moved closer to world-class in its research strategy orientation."

    AIT: Remarkable Development in the Last Decade

    Prof. Robert L. Clark has accompanied AIT as strategic research advisor since the beginning: "The development that this company has taken over the past 12 years is remarkable. Management had to chart new directions, initiate a culture change, build a career development process from the ground up, all while driving innovations that balance collaborative research, contract research, and the involvement of the Austrian federal government."

    Strategic Research Advisory Board confirms current Strategy 2021+

    During this year's SRAB meeting on 12 and 13 April, the new AIT strategy period "AIT Stategy 2021+ Research and Innovation for a Sustainable and Competitive Position in the Digital Age” was reviewed. It defines the mission of the AIT owners – the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology and the Association for the Promotion of Research and Innovation of the Federation of Austrian Industries – to support the economy and society in the areas of digitisation, decarbonisation, and the challenges of climate change.

    These objectives are achieved by establishing so-called "thematic priorities", i.e. topics that gain increasing focus due to their relevance for society. These include the focal points of Digital Resilient Cities, Low-Emission Transport, Hydrogen and Sector Coupling, as well as Artificial Intelligence. The appointment of new Principal Scientists, internationally renowned top scientists with exceptional scientific careers, is also part of the new strategy process. The latest appointments are the expert for 5G- and 6G-based communication systems, Thomas Zemen, and the expert for human-robot interaction, Matthias Scheutz. With this appointment, AIT enters into an in-depth transatlantic research collaboration with Tufts University Boston. As Principal Scientist, René Hofmann, Professor at the Vienna University of Technology, also contributes significantly to the scientific success of AIT with his expertise in the field of design and operational optimisation of systems for complex power supplies in industry.

    Prof. Dame Lynn Gladden has served on the Strategic Research Advisory Board since 2017: "Driving innovation requires scientific excellence. AIT's success in appointing Principal Scientists and the steady expansion of its in-house PhD programme have contributed significantly to this success," Gladden said.

    Note to the editors:

    AIT's annual results press conference will be held on Wednesday, 5 May.
    The constituent meeting of the new Supervisory Board will be held on Thursday, 6 May.

    Wissenschaftliche Ansprechpartner:

    Mag. Michael H. Hlava
    Head of Corporate and Marketing Communications
    Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT)
    T +43 (0)50550-4014 | |

    Silvia Haselhuhn, M.A.
    Corporate and Marketing Communications
    Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT)
    T +43 (0)50550-4831 | |

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