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03.05.2021 15:03

HRK and DSW: Add funds for social infrastructure to the federal/state Future Contract

Susanne Schilden Kommunikation
Hochschulrektorenkonferenz (HRK)

    English translation of the press release by HRK and DSW from 28 April 2021:

    - HRK and DSW call for additional federal/state investments in student residences and refectories.
    - The Future Contract for Strengthening Studying and Teaching in Higher Education is to receive an additional component of three to five percent.
    - "Social infrastructure is crucial for student success."

    The German Rectors' Conference (HRK) and the German National Association for Student Affairs (DSW) are calling on the federal government and states to make additional investments in the social infrastructure of studies, specifically around €3.5 billion over the next five years for student accommodation and university catering of student services organisations. The federal/state Future Contract for Strengthening Studying and Teaching in Higher Education is to be supplemented by an additional component of three to five percent per year.

    A joint statement by the HRK and DSW with this demand was drawn up by a working group of university chancellors and managing directors of student services organisations. According to the authors, it is not only the quality of the study programmes offered and the ability and motivation of students that are key to student success, but also the social infrastructure of studies.

    HRK President Prof Dr Peter-André Alt: "The social infrastructure of student services organisations must finally be adapted to the number of students, which has been consistently high for years. Student success is a goal shared by universities and student services organisations and federal/state funding must provide the foundation for this."

    Prof Dr Rolf-Dieter Postlep, DSW President: "Student services organisations are extremely pleased about this political support from the universities from the German Rectors' Conference. It impressively demonstrates to the federal government and states how important it is to expand residences and refectories in addition to expanding study places."

    Weitere Informationen: Joint statement by the HRK and DSW


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