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04.06.2021 11:52

University of Bayreuth among the top 10 in the WiWo ranking in law and economics

Christian Wißler Pressestelle
Universität Bayreuth

    The University of Bayreuth is among the top 10 in Germany in the subjects of law and economics. In the WirtschaftsWoche ranking published today, it is the only smaller university in Germany to be listed in the top group in these subjects. The outstanding ranking shows what excellent chances Bayreuth graduates enjoy on the job market. The ranking is based on the assessment of HR managers from German SMEs and industry.

    Around 500 HR managers from companies in Germany were surveyed for the "WirtschaftsWoche University Ranking 2021". They provided information on the universities from which those graduates come that they prefer to hire in their companies. The University of Bayreuth was ranked fifth in law and tenth in economics. The practical relevance of degree programmes and the character of the applicant were particularly important for the companies surveyed.

    "We place great value on practical relevance in our law programme. That's why we familiarise students with concrete legal issues related to companies, and directly integrate the topics that are most current for companies into our lectures. In this way, we seek to prepare our students for positions of responsibility that require not only comprehensive legal competencies, but also an awareness of ethical and practical issues. For us, the ability and willingness to take responsibility here is one of the core competencies of a good lawyer," says Prof. Dr. Nina Nestler, Dean of Studies for Law at the University of Bayreuth.

    "Practical relevance, combined with the ability to analyse thoroughly, is a trademark of our degree programmes in economics. A large number of current economic developments find their way into our teaching – right up to the growth of new global markets in the areas of media, telecommunications, mobility, energy, and ecological services. As in business studies, the cross-sectional aspects of digitalisation and sustainability play an important role, which we are currently expanding at the Faculty of Law, Business & Economics," explains Prof. Dr. Friedrich Sommer, Dean of Studies for Business & Economics.

    On 19 June 2021, the University of Bayreuth will once again hold its traditional information day. High school graduates and prospective students from Germany and abroad are invited to find out more about studying law, business administration, or economics at the University of Bayreuth. This year, the event will take place online. Information on the programme, how to register, and about the Bayreuth campus can be found at

    "We warmly welcome everyone who is interested in studying law, business administration or economics to our Bayreuth Online Info Day. Participants will get an overview of their study options, some of which are unique nationwide: ranging from the business and technical science supplementary courses and the supplementary course "Computer Science & Digitisation" for law students, to interdisciplinary programmes such as "Law & Economics", "International Business & Development", "Health Economics", "Sports Economics" and "Philosophy & Economics". We will continue to align our course content to current economic, legal, and social challenges, in order to offer our students the best career prospects," says Prof. Dr. Jörg Schlüchtermann, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Business & Economics at the University of Bayreuth.

    Wissenschaftliche Ansprechpartner:

    Prof. Dr. Nina Nestler
    Dean of Studies – Department of Law
    Faculty of Law, Business & Economics
    University of Bayreuth
    Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-6102

    Prof. Dr. Friedrich Sommer
    Dean of Studies – Department of Business Administration & Economics
    Faculty of Law, Business & Economics
    University of Bayreuth
    Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-4681


    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Journalisten, Lehrer/Schüler, Studierende, Wirtschaftsvertreter, jedermann
    Recht, Wirtschaft
    Studium und Lehre, Wettbewerbe / Auszeichnungen



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