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21.06.2021 13:10

Midwives study at the MHH

Stefan Zorn Stabsstelle Kommunikation
Medizinische Hochschule Hannover

    New Bachelor's programme starts in winter semester 2021/22

    Starting winter semester 2021/22, there will be a training-integrated undergraduate bachelor's degree course in midwifery at Hannover Medical School (MHH). Midwifery training is being converted to an academic degree programme throughout Germany. The Bundestag and Bundesrat had decided to implement an EU directive in January 2020. Whereas midwives and obstetricians were previously trained for three years at midwifery schools, from now on the training will take place as a degree course at a university. "Hannover Medical School stands for excellent academic training. Therefore, it is important for us to actively participate in the academisation of the health professions from the very beginning," explains MHH President Professor Dr. Michael P. Manns.

    The entry requirement for midwifery training will be raised to a twelve-year, general school education. Students will receive an academic degree with practical professional training. As a degree, both the permission to use the professional title of midwife and a Bachelor's degree are acquired. The application procedure has been opened at the MHH for this new midwifery degree programme and will run online until the end of July. This means that the MHH is initially creating 28 new study places this year, with the number expected to be increased to 35 next year. Hannover Medical School is thus one of four universities in Lower Saxony to offer the new bachelor's degree programme. "We are pleased that we have succeeded in setting up the new degree programme at the MHH in such a short time and that we are thus able to participate in the scientific training of midwives," explains Professor Dr. Ingo Just, Dean of Studies at the MHH.

    The Midwifery Science (B.Sc.) degree programme lasts a total of three and a half years. Each of the seven semesters includes a practical module, which is completed at one of the cooperating practical training centres. In addition to the MHH Women's Clinic, these are the hospitals of the Diakovere Henriettenstift and Friederikenstift, the Vinzenzkrankenhaus Hannover, the KRH Klinikum Gehrden, Großburgwedel and Neustadt, the AKH Celle, the Sana Klinikum Hameln-Pyrmont and the Helios Klinikum Hildesheim.

    Further information on the Bachelor's degree programme in Midwifery Science is available to interested parties on the Internet at or directly from the programme coordinator Margriet Pluymaekers, e-mail address: as well as in a telephone consultation hour on Tuesdays from 10 to 11 a.m. under telephone: (0511) 532-6971.

    For further information, please contact the MHH Communications Office, telephone: (0511) 532-6778, email:


    A symbolic photo shows a pregnant belly during an examination by a midwife.
    A symbolic photo shows a pregnant belly during an examination by a midwife.
    Copyright: "Geert-Jan Vis".

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