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24.08.2021 11:27

Scholars and diplomats debate on artificial intelligence

Andreas Schmidt Kommunikation und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Nordrhein-Westfälische Akademie für Internationale Politik

    Press release 01/2021, Bonn, 20/08/2021
    The Academy of International Affairs NRW is running a summer academy. From 23 to 26 August 2021, 39 participants from 23 nations will gather at the Petersberg near Bonn. The role of artificial intelligence in international relations will be examined as part of the Academy’s inaugural event. The ceremonial opening of the new scientific institute will be led by Minister-President of North Rhine-Westphalia, Armin Laschet, on 25 August 2021 in Bonn.

    Selected young scholars and diplomats will meet renowned experts at the “Artificial Intelligence and International Politics” summer academy. Lectures will be given by experts such as Prof. Kristian Kersting from the TU Darmstadt, Prof. Aimee van Wynsberghe from the University of Bonn and Prof. Christopher Coker from the London School of Economics and Political Science. The civil and military development of artificial intelligence and the global competition between countries already underway will be discussed. “We’ll be using the summer academy to look at a globally pressing topic under various disciplinary and cultural perspectives,” says Executive Director of the Academy of International Affairs NRW, Dr Mayssoun Zein Al Din.

    The Academy of International Affairs NRW brings experts from the fields of science, politics and society together in an attempt to explore new territory in times of global change and modern challenges and find solutions for a progressive policy. At the heart of it all lies an international and interdisciplinary Fellowship Programme which brings outstanding minds to Bonn for several months at a time. The Academy offers these individuals the optimum environment for research and cooperation. Bonn is characterised by key players in the fields of academia, politics, the United Nations, media and civil society. For them, the Academy and its Fellows serve as a host and exchange partner.

    Information about the summer academy:
    The programme is available as a PDF file here: It includes a link to the live stream of selected presentations.

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    Would you like to be added to the Academy of International Affairs NRW mailing list and receive press information? Please contact us at: Many thanks!

    Press contact:
    Andreas Schmidt | Communications Coordinator
    Academy of International Affairs NRW -
    Nordrhein-Westfälische Akademie für Internationale Politik gGmbH
    Rheinallee 24 | 53173 Bonn, Germany
    Tel.: +49 (0) 228 504312 63
    Website: (under construction)


    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Journalisten, Wissenschaftler
    Gesellschaft, Informationstechnik, Philosophie / Ethik, Politik, Recht
    Wissenschaftliche Tagungen



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