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01.10.2021 10:58

Invitation to press conference: The research project Sweden-China Bridge’s report on battery swapping on heavy vehicles

Mike Danilovic, Professor +46 70-81 57 588 Kommunikationsavdelningen / Communications Department
Schwedischer Forschungsrat - The Swedish Research Council

    The Sweden-China Bridge research project is now publishing the second comprehensive study in China, focusing on battery swapping for heavy vehicles. The study investigates the occurrence of battery swapping for heavy electric vehicles, i.e., simply replacing a discharged battery with a fully charged one, instead of charging the battery with cable.

    Battery swapping has quickly become a national strategy as a complement to charging heavy electric vehicles via cable. Several Chinese car manufacturers design, manufacture and deliver complete system solutions. At the end of 2020, there were almost 600 battery swapping stations for passenger cars in China, which are estimated to be 25,000 by 2025. A corresponding rapid development can be seen for battery swapping for heavy vehicles, where in the next few years there will be over 600 battery swapping stations in China. More and more manufacturers of heavy vehicles are now investing on a large scale in the technology where the vehicles are adapted for battery swapping. The latest data from September 2021 show that approximately 40 percent of new certified heavy vehicles have battery swapping as a technical solution.

    “China has taken a strong position as an electric car country and strives to further develop the electrification of the transport system. Through the Sweden-China Bridge project, we want to contribute to increased understanding and information and knowledge sharing about technical and commercial development of electrification of vehicle systems”, says Mike Danilovic, Professor of Industrial Organisation at Halmstad University, and continues:

    “We hope to be able to present integrated transport system solutions, and infrastructure for energy supply as a fully integrated system with intelligent and smart cities. The technology for battery swapping is an important and interesting part of this, not least when it comes to heavy vehicles.”

    The report Exploring Battery Swapping for Heavy Trucks in China 1.0. (see link below) is a review of the technology for battery swapping, its history and the development from pilot stage to national strategy. The report also describes how Chinese actors work with technology development and commercialization in the establishment of a new ecosystem and new business models for battery swapping solutions. The report provides six different examples of how the technology is applied in concrete transport and business situations.

    About Sweden-China Bridge
    One year ago, in October 2020, Halmstad University started the research project “Sweden-China Bridge – Creating A Collaborative Academic Platform for Electrification of Transportation Systems” in collaboration with Lund University, Statens Väg- och Transportforskningsinstitut (VTI) and Jönköping University – Jönköping International Business School. The project is funded by the Swedish Transport Administration and runs for two years.

    Press conference
    Journalists and researchers are invited to a digital press conference where the research group presents the research and the new report and describes upcoming research activities. The press conference will be held in Swedish.

    DATE: Monday, October 11, 2021

    TIME: 9: 00–10: 00 CET

    Read more
    About the project

    First report from the project: Exploring Battery Swapping for Electric Vehicles in China 1.0

    Second report from the project: Exploring Battery Swapping for Heavy Trucks in China 1.0

    Wissenschaftliche Ansprechpartner:

    Mike Danilovic, Professor

    +46 70-81 57 588

    Weitere Informationen:



    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Elektrotechnik, Energie



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