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07.10.2021 13:50

TU9 Universities rank among the universities with the highest levels of third-party funding in Germany

Nicole Saverschek TU9 Hauptstadtbüro
TU9 German Universities of Technology

    German Research Foundation (DFG) Funding Atlas 2021: TU9 Universities rank
    among the universities with the highest levels of third-party funding in Germany –
    Data confirms top position of TU9 Universities in engineering

    TU9 Universities once again live up to their reputation as universities with strong third-party funding. The current DFG Funding Atlas shows that TU9 Universities across all scientific disci-plines have once again attracted more than one-fifth (21%) of all DFG funding.

    In the engineering subject area profile, almost 50 % of the DFG funding volume goes to TU9 Universities - all nine institutions are among the TOP 11. The same picture is seen across all five disciplines (mechanical and production engineering, thermal engineering/process engi-neering, materials science and engineering, computer science, systems and electrical engi-neering, and civil engineering and architecture).

    The engineering sciences show a very independent research network profile, in which TU9 Universities play an outstanding role nationwide due to their strong, regional and national co-operative relationships. This is also evident in the new funding priority "National Research Data Infrastructure" (NFDI), in which 19 consortia (130 institutions) are currently being funded with TU9 Universities as dominant hubs connecting a large number of participants.

    In the industrial collective research (IGF) funding program, TU9 Universities have also attracted more than half of all funding (58.7 %) showing they are highly sought-after partner institutions in research projects primarily directed at the ‘Mittelstand’ – the many mid-size companies at the heart of the German economy.

    At the European level, 31.4 % of HORIZON 2020 funding in Germany goes to TU9 Universi-ties. The excellent international reputation of TU9 universities is also underscored by the fact that approximately one fifth of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH), DAAD and ERC grantees choose a TU9 University as their host institution.

    The DFG Funding Atlas is published every three years and presents comprehensive data, by subject area, on publicly funded research in Germany. The new Funding Atlas was presented on October 5, 2021 in a joint press conference held by DFG, the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK), and Stifterverband.

    Wissenschaftliche Ansprechpartner:

    Dr Nicole Saverschek


    attachment icon TU9 PR German Research Foundation Funding Atlas 2021

    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Journalisten, jedermann
    Forschungs- / Wissenstransfer, Wissenschaftspolitik



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