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12.10.2021 16:13

Invitation: Who decides who decides? Political parties and the selection of leaders

Sophia Nilsson Press Officer, Södertörn University, Kommunikationsavdelningen / Communications Department
Schwedischer Forschungsrat - The Swedish Research Council

    Why do we see such variation in how parties select leaders? Who in the party organisations is favoured or disfavoured by different selection methods? Are some procedures more “democratic” than others?

    In most of Europe, and in much of the democratic world, the leader of a state is also the leader of a political party. A party’s choice of leader can thus be crucial in shaping the direction of a country – and how the party chooses often shapes who it chooses.

    As Sweden sets about appointing a new prime minister, a choice that will be decided exclusively within its biggest party, the Centre for the Study of Political Organisation (CPO) at Södertörn University is holding two webinars on the topic. The first will be held in English and have an international focus. The second (2PM-4PM October 25) will be in Swedish and orientated towards the selection of leaders in Sweden’s own parties.

    Contributors to the international panel and themes that will be discussed:
    ● Vesa Koskimaa (Åbo Akademi University, Finland): Why does party leadership matter?
    ● Maciej Hartliński (University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland): What are current trends in the selection of party leaders in Central and Eastern Europe?
    ● Jānis Ikstens (University of Latvia, Latvia): How does party leader selection works, close-up, in a younger democracy?
    ● Antonella Seddone (University of Turin, Italy): How could online intra-party democracy be the wave of the future and what are the implications of this?

    Moderator: Nicholas Aylott (Södertörn University)

    More information, see Södertörn University calender

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