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19.10.2021 10:14

Climate justice: Online symposium addresses impact of global warming on the protection of human rights

Caroline Wichmann Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina

    In many regions around the world, the effects of climate change are already being felt today. They particularly affect the most vulnerable population groups and threaten human rights, including the right to life, health, water, food and an adequate standard of living. Measures to enhance climate justice and increase societal resilience will be discussed at a joint online symposium of the Human Rights Committee of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina and the Royal Society of Edinburgh/UK on Thursday, 28 October and Friday, 29 October 2021.

    Online-Symposium of the Human Rights Committee of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina and the Royal Society of Edinburgh/UK
    „Human Rights and Climate Change“
    Thursday, 28 October, 2:30pm to 5pm (CEST) and Friday, 29 October 2021, 10am to 12:35pm (CEST)
    Online via Zoom

    Prof. Dr. Marcel Jaspars, Vice-President of the Royal Society of Edinburgh/UK and Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Zenner (Tübingen/Germany), interim Chair of the Human Rights Committee (HRC) of the Leopoldina, will introduce the topic of the event. Among the speakers are the geoscientist and Leopoldina member Prof. Dr. Gabriele Hegerl (Edinburgh/UK) and the environmental physician Prof. Dr. Claudia Traidl-Hoffmann (Augsburg/Germany). In addition, human rights experts will speak at the symposium, among them Dunja Mijatović (Strasbourg/France), Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe, David R. Boyd (Geneva/Switzerland), UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and the Environment, and Prof. Dr. Alan Miller (Glasgow/UK), independent Co-Chair of the Scottish National Taskforce for Human Rights Leadership.

    The event takes place in the run-up to the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), which starts on Sunday, 31 October 2021, in Glasgow/UK.

    The online-symposium is open to the interested public, free of charge and will be held in English. By using the video conferencing platform Zoom, participants agree to the provider’s privacy statement: Further information on the event and registration via Eventbrite can be found here:

    Follow the Leopoldina on Twitter:

    About the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina:
    As the German National Academy of Sciences, the Leopoldina provides independent science-based policy advice on matters relevant to society. To this end, the Academy develops interdisciplinary statements based on scientific findings. In these publications, options for action are outlined; making decisions, however, is the responsibility of democratically legitimised politicians. The experts who prepare the statements work in a voluntary and unbiased manner. The Leopoldina represents the German scientific community in the international academy dialogue. This includes advising the annual summits of Heads of State and Government of the G7 and G20 countries. With 1,600 members from more than 30 countries, the Leopoldina combines expertise from almost all research areas. Founded in 1652, it was appointed the National Academy of Sciences of Germany in 2008. The Leopoldina is committed to the common good.

    Media Contact:
    Caroline Wichmann
    Head of Press and Public Relations Department
    Tel.: +49 (0)345 472 39-800

    Weitere Informationen:


    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Journalisten, Studierende, Wissenschaftler
    Medizin, Meer / Klima, Philosophie / Ethik, Recht, Umwelt / Ökologie
    Wissenschaftliche Tagungen



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