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20.10.2021 12:45

New Conference for PhD Students and Postdocs in Optics and Photonics

Mechtild Freiin v. Münchhausen Referat für Kommunikation und Marketing
Leibniz Universität Hannover

    14 leading international scientists discuss with 150 early-career researchers topics in career-planning and research

    How do I build a career in optics and photonics? Is my research focus too narrow? What career opportunities do universities offer international applicants? Unfortunately, the academic job market is far too often a black box and navigating one's path to a tenure position is a mix of grit and luck. The new conference format "Humboldt meets Leibniz" aims to change that and shed light on the career-building mechanisms in academia.

    The concept is unique: 14 famous award winners of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation will share their expertise in optics and photonics and their career-building experiences with the next generation of scientists. Thus, 150 PhD students and Postdocs will be selected to attend this premier conference in Hannover, Germany. Their research shall focus on optical technologies, including material simulation, quantum optics, simulation, laser systems, optical imaging, metrology, and manufacturing technology.

    The event comprises classic poster sessions, presentations and discussions on research and career-building topics, and time for networking. Registration ends 1 November 2021 at The selected participants will receive up to 1,000 euros in travel allowances.

    The following scientists from different subject areas will support “Humboldt meets Leibniz – Emerging Topics in Optics and Photonics” and travel to Hannover 2022:

    Prof. Dr. Olivier Allix (École normale supérieure Paris-Saclay, France)
    Prof. Dr. Hans-Albert Bachor (emeritus, Australian National University, Australia)
    Prof. Dr. Steven Cundiff (University of Michigan, USA)
    Prof. Dr. Hui Deng (University of Michigan, USA)
    Prof. Dr. Andrew Forbes (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa)
    Prof. Dr. Naira Hovakimyan (University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign, USA)
    Prof. Dr. Yuri S. Kivshar (Australian National University, Australia)
    Prof. Dr. Thuc-Quyen Thai Nguyen (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA)
    Prof. Dr. Markus B. Raschke (University of Colorado, Boulder, USA)
    Prof. Dr. Batmanathan Dyanand Reddy (University of Cape Town, South Africa)
    Prof. Dr. Andrey Rogach (City University of Hong Kong, China)
    Prof. Dr. Samuel I. Stupp (Northwestern University, USA)
    Prof. Dr. Andrew M. Weiner (Purdue University, USA)
    Prof. Dr. Jun Ye (University of Colorado, Boulder, USA)

    “Humboldt meets Leibniz” is a joint event of Leibniz University Hannover and the Volkswagen Foundation (Germany), supported by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Germany). The conference takes place in Hannover from 12 until 14 June 2022.

    Over the past years, Hannover evolved into one of the most important science locations in the field of Optical Technologies and Gravitational Physics. In 2015, laser technology developed in Hannover enabled researchers to detect gravitational waves. With the Clusters of Excellence ”PhoenixD: Photonics, Optics, and Engineering – Innovation Across Disciplines” and ”QuantumFrontiers”, Leibniz University Hannover stands for cutting-edge research and innovation. The approval of the research building ”OPTICUM - Optics University Center and Campus” (planned completion in 2026) marks another milestone in the establishment of concentrated cutting-edge research on optical technologies in Hannover. Around 120 researchers from the Leibniz Research School of Optics and Photonics of the Leibniz University Hannover will move into the four-storey OPTICUM to work together on the digitalisation of precision optics and optics production. From 2019 to 2025 the Cluster of Excellence PhoenixD and the OPTICUM receive over 110 million euros in public funding.

    In addition, with quantum research in the second Cluster of Excellence at Leibniz University Hannover - QuantumFrontiers -, and the Quantum Valley Lower Saxony (QVLS), there is another high technology in Lower Saxony being publicly funded with around 75 million euros.


    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Journalisten, Studierende, Wissenschaftler
    Organisatorisches, wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung



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