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03.11.2021 10:56

On Sufism, LGBTQ in Muslim chaplaincy and Islamic funerals

Stefanie Golla Pressestelle
Akademie für Islam in Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft (AIWG)

    The Academy for Islam in Research and Society has awarded six research fellowships for pathbreaking Islamic research

    Six scholars from Germany and abroad have just embarked on their research fellowships at the Academy for Islam in Research and Society (AIWG) at the Goethe-University. The inaugural AIWG research fellows are situated within the Islamic-Theological studies or related disciplines.

    During the coming six months, the research fellows will be able to focus entirely on their plans and contribute with their own research questions to existing projects at the Academy. As guest researchers at the Goethe-University, they will conduct research on their individual projects.

    "We are pleased to support renowned experts in various fields of Islamic Studies with this new fellowship. Through the partnership with the AIWG, important new impulses will emerge for the discipline of Islamic-Theological studies in Germany," says Dr Jan Felix Engelhardt, Executive Director at the AIWG.

    The range of topics covered by the fellows includes a wide variety of current academic and social discourses. These include practical research, for example on the topic of "Islamic burials in Germany" by Prof Dr Thomas Lemmen (Cologne), "LGBTQ in Muslim chaplaincy" by Dr Ali Ghandour (University of Münster) and "The politics of pedagogy: Islam and the 'West'" by Prof Dr Alison Scott-Baumann (SOAS University of London). Dr Elisabeth Becker Topkara (University of Heidelberg) is examining how discourses on Islam and Judaism in Germany relate to each other with her project "Abrahamic Strangers: German Jewish and German Muslim Intellectuals in Conversation", while Dr Mansooreh Khalilizand (University of Münster) is building on existing research with her project on the concept of God in the work of the Shiite philosopher Ṣadr al-Dīn Šīrāzī and intends to expand and deepen it. Dr Sarah Kuehn (University of Vienna), however, is dedicating her project "On Art, Aesthetics, and Islamic Mysticism in German-speaking Countries: A Contemporary Perspective" to a field that has received little academic consideration to date.

    Detailed project outlines of all AIWG research fellowships are available at:

    The scientific results of the AIWG research fellowships will be made available to the broader academic community and interested public through various formats in the coming year.

    About the AIWG
    The Academy for Islam in Research and Society (AIWG) is a university platform for research and communication on specialist Islamic-Theological questions and social issues. It facilitates supra-regional collaborations and interaction amongst researchers in Islamic-Theological Studies and neighbouring subjects as well as with actors in Muslim civil society and other sectors of society. Funding for the AIWG is provided by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Mercator Foundation.

    About the AIWG Research Fellowship
    The AIWG Research Fellowship is aimed at postdocs and professors from Islamic-Theological Studies and relevant neighbouring disciplines from Germany and abroad, who wish to pursue a particular research question on Islam in research and society. With the Research Fellowship, the AIWG supports projects that have a particular relevance for the topics and fields within the scope of the Academy. Fellowships can be awarded on the thematic range of Islamic-Theological studies as well as its areas of application and transfer.

    Press contact
    Stefanie Golla
    Coordinator of Research Communication and Public Relations
    Tel.: 069-798 22459


    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Journalisten, Wissenschaftler
    Gesellschaft, Kulturwissenschaften, Pädagogik / Bildung, Philosophie / Ethik, Religion
    Forschungs- / Wissenstransfer, Forschungsprojekte



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