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11.11.2021 10:32

DISSEMBLAGE: Machinic Capitalism and Molecular Revolution Vol. 2 by Gerald Raunig

Dr. Juliane Kuhn Referat für Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln

    A book presentation and discussion with Gerald Raunig and Stefano Harney moderated by Phil Collins in english

    Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln, Mittwoch / Wednesday, 17. November, 19 Uhr, Aula, Filzengraben 2, 50676 Köln
    Deadline for registrations: 15th of November 2021 and per mail to:

    A pioneering voice in the field of Transversal Aesthetics Gerald Raunig works at the eipcp (European Institute for Progressive Cultural Policies) as one of the editors of the multilingual publishing platform transversal texts, and at the Zürcher Hochschule der Künste as professor for philosophy.
    On the occasion of the publication of Dissemblage - the second volume of Machinic Capitalism and Molecular Revolution and following his seminal work Dividuum - Raunig, an ebullient, irrepressible and kaleidoscopic writer and thinker will discuss the diverse, wide-ranging references and examples at the heart of his new work.
    His books have been translated into English, Serbian, Spanish, Slovenian, Russian, Italian, Dutch, and Turkish.
    Recent books in English: Art and Revolution. Transversal Activism in the Long Twentieth Century, translated by Aileen Derieg, New York/Los Angeles: Semiotext(e)/MIT Press 2007; Art and Contemporary Critical Practice. Reinventing Institutional Critique, London: mayflybooks 2009 (Ed., with Gene Ray); A Thousand Machines, translated by Aileen Derieg, New York/Los Angeles: Semiotext(e)/MIT Press 2010; Critique of Creativity, London: mayflybooks 2011 (Ed., with Gene Ray and Ulf Wuggenig); Factories of Knowledge, Industries of Creativity, translated by Aileen Derieg, New York/Los Angeles: Semiotext(e)/MIT Press 2013; DIVIDUUM. Machinic Capitalism and Molecular Revolution, Vol.1, translated by Aileen Derieg, New York/Los Angeles: Semiotext(e)/MIT Press 2016.

    Stefano Harney is Professor of Transversal Aesthetics at KHM. He is co-author with Fred Moten of The Undercommons: fugitive planning and black study (2013) and All Incomplete (2021) both with Minor Compositions/Autonomedia Press.
    Phil Collins is Professor of Video / Performance at KHM.

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    Journalisten, jedermann
    Gesellschaft, Kulturwissenschaften, Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaften
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