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17.05.2004 13:58

Electrophysiology Innovation Partnership (e.IP) present at BIO 2004

Dr. Nadja Gugeler Pressestelle
NMI Naturwissenschaftliches und Medizinisches Institut an der Universität Tübingen

    Electrophysiological techniques provide the most detailed and direct way to study ion channel function. New technologies including automated electro-physiology and planar patch-clamp techniques are rapidly emerging to meet the throughput demands of industrial drug discovery for the direct screening of ion channel targets and safety pharmacology.

    To communicate and promote innovative developments, solutions and prod-ucts enabling high-end electrophysiology the ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY INNO-VATION PARTNERSHIP (e.IP) ( has been founded by companies and research institutes with electrophysiology expertise in hard-, wet- and software development in the field of basic research, drug discovery and neurotechnology.
    The partners represented by the e.IP and their expertise are:
    Cytocentrics ( CytoPatchTM - high throughput and high quality patch clamping for high throughput secondary screening, assay de-velopment and safety pharmacology.
    NMI Natural & Medical Sciences Institute ( Electrophysiological drug screening service and custom specific assay development, microarrays for cell- and tissue based assays and neurotechnological applications.
    npi electronic ( Electronic instrumentation that covers all needs of an electrophysiological or pharmacological laboratory including intra- and extracellular amplifiers for patch clamping and oocyte recording, temperature controllers, substance application devices, micromanipulators, data acquisition hard- and software
    Multi Channel Systems ( High-performance electrophysiological measuring instruments and equipment including multi-electrode technology for extracellular cell- and tissue recording, Roboocyte® for automated oocyte injection and recording, QT-Screen for automated cardiomyocyte recording.
    e.IP will be representing its partners during the BIO 2004 International Con-vention ( ) held in San Francisco, Juli 6-9, at the BIOPRO Baden-Wuerttemberg booth, #6254.
    The BIO 2004 Annual International Convention is the world's largest bio-technology event. More than 16,000 biotech executives, investors, journal-ists, policymakers and scientists from more than 55 countries are expected to attend.
    Meet us to gather latest information about e.IP partners and their

    Weitere Informationen:


    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Biologie, Chemie, Elektrotechnik, Energie, Ernährung / Gesundheit / Pflege, Informationstechnik, Mathematik, Medizin, Physik / Astronomie
    Buntes aus der Wissenschaft, Wissenschaftliche Tagungen



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