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13.04.2023 13:50

Groundwater and biodiversity: A new study reveals global gaps in the protection of nature reserves

Claudia Kallmeier Pressestelle
Technische Universität Dresden

    How much are nature reserves shaped by influences beyond their boundaries? An international research team with the participation of Prof. Andreas Hartmann from TU Dresden has investigated the significance of groundwater catchment areas for the protection of biodiversity and the preservation of ecosystem services.

    Their study shows that protection of groundwater catchment areas of nature reserves is often inadequate and human activities in neighboring areas can have a devastating impact on the protection of ecosystems.

    The researchers mapped the groundwater catchment areas of nature reserves worldwide and found that 85 percent of protected areas with groundwater-dependent ecosystems are not adequately protected. As a result, part of the catchment area is located outside the protected area. Half of all protected areas have a groundwater catchment area whose spatial extent is 50 percent or more outside the protected area boundaries.

    The results of the study highlight the widespread risk to protected areas due to activities that affect groundwater outside protected areas. The study emphasizes the importance of incorporating groundwater source areas and flow paths into conservation and management measures for natural reserves. The designation of groundwater catchment areas helps to initiate a discussion about the linkage of conservation areas to their surroundings and their resilience to external influences. Simultaneously, the protection and management of such catchment areas helps to protect groundwater-dependent ecosystems from external dangers.

    "The results have great significance for the development of strategies to protect biodiversity and preserve ecosystem services," emphasizes groundwater researcher Hartmann. Identifying gaps in protected areas and implementing targeted conservation and management measures could better mitigate future environmental changes and sustain ecosystems and human quality of life.

    Wissenschaftliche Ansprechpartner:

    Prof. Andreas Hartmann
    Institute of Groundwater Management
    Faculty of Environmental Sciences
    Technische Universität Dresden
    Tel.: +49 351 463-42551


    Huggins, X., Gleeson, T., Serrano, D., Zipper, S., Jehn, F., Rohde, M. M., Abell, R., Vigerstol, K., & Hartmann, A. (2023). Overlooked risks and opportunities in groundwatersheds of the world’s protected areas. Nature Sustainability.


    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Umwelt / Ökologie
    Forschungsergebnisse, Wissenschaftliche Publikationen



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