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15.06.2004 11:23

International Journal for Information Ethics" (IJIE)

Klaus P. Prem Stabsstelle Kommunikation und Marketing
Universität Augsburg

    The peer-reviewed online journal focuses on ethical questions of the ICTs and encompasses five languages ---


    On June 7th the International Center for Information Ethics (ICIE; has launched its new Journal for Information Ethics (IJIE). The ICIE was founded in 1999 by Prof. Dr. Rafael Capurro, University of Applied Sciences Stuttgart/Germany as a virtual community of scholars and scientists from all over the world interested in information ethics. Since 2001 the ICIE is also taken care of by Prof. Dr. Thomas Hausmanninger, University of Augsburg/Germany, organizing symposia and publishing a book series in Germany. The IJIE is the official online journal of ICIE and to be published twice a year with contributions in the major languages: English, German, Spanish, Portugese and French. It is edited by Rafael Capurro (Ed. in Chief), Thomas Hausmanninger and Felix Weil. Contributions will be peer reviewed; subscription is free of charge.


    Information ethics are concerned with ethical questions in the field of the digital production and reproduction of phenomena and processes including the exchange, combination, and use of information so produced or reproduced. Maintaining a broad focus on these issues, IJIE is particularly devoted to ethical questions of all kinds of digital devices whether through their coding methods or their local or global content and the social interactions that produced them, i.e., to what has been called the "infosphere" (L. Floridi).

    Since the Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have an impact on various realms of society and human living conditions IJIE is an interdisciplinary journal. It strifes to combine the approaches of various scholarly and scientific disciplines - such as computer science, media studies, economics, political sciences, philosophy, sociology, psychology - under an ethical focus.

    Furthermore, IJIE is meant as a platform for intercultural exchange in the field. It intends to provide reports about local experiences that may be of interest to other settings or to the global community. The information field is a quickly changing field. Today's information societies are characterized by a plurality of paradigms that have their sources in a variety of cultural traditions and technological developments. IJIE intends to monitor these developments from the diverse perspectives of different cultures and thus to provide a platform for intercultural scholarly and scientific discourse.


    IJIE so far is free of charge. For subscription modalities please see: Contributions are welcome in German, English, Spanish or French; they will be peer reviewed anonymously and accepted if a majority of the reviews recommends so; for modalities see also:

    The first issue is due June 7th 2004. Sponsored by Volkswagen Foundation ICIE organizes an international Symposium in October 4-6, 2004 ( The proceedings of this symposium will be published in IJIE by end of September 2004.

    Weitere Informationen:


    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Gesellschaft, Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaften, Pädagogik / Bildung, Philosophie / Ethik, Politik, Recht, Religion
    Wissenschaftliche Publikationen



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