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Prof. Dr. Sven Voelpel has been widely recognized by Spiegel No. 1 bestsellers such as "Decide for Yourself How Old You Are" and the "Fountain of Youth Formula.” His research has influenced the lives of millions searching for the secrets of rejuvenation, and has now been published in the new book “7 Jahre jünger in sieben Wochen” or “Seven Years Younger in Seven Weeks.”
In his book, Voelpel combines scientifically validated concepts for healthy nutrition to create a unique, world-leading "meta-nutrition code" that he purports to have a positive influence on the ageing process. “The right diet is one of the most important factors for lifelong vitality,” said the professor. The recipes contained in his book follow carefully outlined his standards: healthy, plant-based, with the necessary vitamins, the right superfoods and, above all, delicious. “It's not about asceticism or abstinence, but rather about healthy enjoyment suitable for everyday use,” Voelpel said.
"Reversing ageing doesn't just refer to gaining years of life, it pertains to improving health and performance," said the professor, who has been researching demographic change and its consequences, and developing solutions for over 20 years. During this time, his research has experienced a broad bandwidth of outreach with features in local and national outlets, like BILD, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and numerous television and radio appearances. He is increasingly asked what people can do to stay young, healthy and productive for as long as possible. In his latest book, he provides highly effective and practical solutions so that everyone can achieve maximum impact.
The 192-page guide is not simply a cookbook: Voelpel takes a holistic approach. In addition to nutrition, he takes other factors into account, such as relaxation and breathing exercises, sufficient exercise, sufficient sleep and social contacts, influence fitness and the ageing process. The age test, developed by the Voelpel himself, reveals the biological age of each individual and how many years can be gained.
Prof. Dr. Sven Voelpel | Professor of Business Administration | Tel.: +49 421 200-3467
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