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This Monday, British neuroscientist Alison Goate, DPhil received the “Hartwig Piepenbrock-DZNE Prize”, endowed with 60,000 euros, for her pioneering research on Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. Goate is a professor at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, a renowned biomedical institution in New York City. The award was established by the Piepenbrock Group and DZNE in 2011. This time the ceremonial presentation took place at DZNE in Bonn.
“Alison Goate is an expert in the genetics of dementias and has been a driving force in this field of research for many years,” says Professor Pierluigi Nicotera, Chairman of DZNE’s Executive Board. “Her research has provided key insights into the pathology of dementia and contributed to the development of novel medicines, such as anti-amyloid drugs.”
“Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases need more publicity and awareness. The Hartwig Piepenbrock-DZNE Prize is our way of supporting this,” says Olaf Piepenbrock, managing partner of the Piepenbrock Group. “The scientists are making an important contribution and thus laying the foundation for new possibilities for prevention and treatment. Neurodegenerative diseases cause enormous physical and psychological burdens - not only for patients, but also for caregiving relatives. It is important to us to bring Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases into the public discussion and to create a better understanding of the needs of affected patients and their family members.”
About the Laureate
Alison Goate was born in the UK and studied at the University of Bristol and the University of Oxford. She worked at Washington University in St. Louis (USA) from 1992 to 2014 prior to joining Icahn School of Medicine in New York City in 2015. She is founding director of the Ronald M. Loeb Center for Alzheimer’s Disease at Mount Sinai. Her research focusses on hereditary factors involved in neurodegenerative diseases. Goate was the first to discover a gene variant (a so-called mutation) that causes Alzheimer’s disease. Over the years, she identified further mutations relevant to Alzheimer's and others implicated in Frontotemporal Dementia. Furthermore, Goate’s findings laid important groundwork for the development of novel medicines. These include anti-amyloid drugs, which have already been approved in the USA for treating Alzheimer’s disease.
About the Hartwig Piepenbrock-DZNE Prize
Since 2011, the “Hartwig Piepenbrock-DZNE Prize” has been awarded every two years for outstanding research on neurodegenerative disorders. These diseases, which include Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), are characterized by dysfunctions and death of neurons. This can lead to dementia, movement disorders or other severe health problems. To date there are no cures. The prize is sponsored by the Piepenbrock Group and awarded in remembrance of its former Chief Executive Officer and Chairman Hartwig Piepenbrock, who passed away after suffering from dementia. He was committed to the arts, science, and society for many years. Prize winners are selected by an international committee, coordinated by DZNE. On this occasion, the prize will be awarded for the seventh time.
About the Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen, DZNE
(German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases)
DZNE is a research institute for neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and ALS, which are associated with dementia, movement disorders and other serious health impairments. To date, there are no cures for these diseases, which represent an enormous burden for countless affected individuals, their families, and the healthcare system. The aim of DZNE is to develop novel strategies for prevention, diagnosis, care, as well as treatment, and to transfer them into practice. DZNE comprises ten sites across Germany, it cooperates with universities, university hospitals, research centers and other institutions in Germany and abroad. DZNE is government-funded, it is a member of the Helmholtz Association and of the German Centers for Health Research.
About the Piepenbrock Group
The Piepenbrock Group has represented professional building services for more than 100 years. Managed by the fourth generation of owners, Piepenbrock today offers a broad spectrum of services in Facility Management, Cleaning Services, Maintenance and Security. Piepenbrock is also one of Germany’s leading providers of special services, which includes clean room cleaning, winter services and park maintenance. Quality and sustainability are two important aspects that ensure the company remains at the top of its game. In recognition of its commitment to sustainability, Piepenbrock currently holds the “EcoVadis” gold seal. Website: German Version Video portrait of the laureate
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