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Leuphana University Lüneburg has received further funding in the millions for its initiatives in the field of digital innovation in teaching and learning.
The funds come from the Foundation for Innovation in University Teaching and extend the funding for two projects with which the model university in Lower Saxony was already successful in the nationwide competition "Strengthening university teaching through digitalisation" in 2021. The project "Leuphana: Digital Transformation Lab for Teaching and Learning" (DigiTaL) and the participation in the joint project "Souver@nes Digitales Lehren und Lernen in Niedersachsen" (SOUVER@N) will now continue to be funded with a good 2 million euros until the end of 2025.
With the "Digital Transformation Lab for Teaching and Learning" (DigiTaL), new interaction spaces have been created at Leuphana for the professional development of teaching innovations, the promotion of strategic developments and the exchange and transfer of results. The focus is on the topics of "digital teaching and learning innovations", "digital literacy" and "digital internationalisation". The project, which involves 15 professors, not only aims to identify and realise the potential of digitality to strengthen university teaching, but also to critically examine the new possibilities and measure them against Leuphana's qualification goals and guiding principles.
The SOUVER@N joint project, which also continues to receive funding, is jointly managed by the universities of Osnabrück, Lüneburg and Oldenburg. With the aim of promoting sovereign digital teaching and learning throughout the state, the project follows a call from the German Science and Humanities Council, which had encouraged universities to set more trends themselves and not just utilise opportunities that are brought to them from outside.
In the view of those involved, a key factor for the confident use of digital technologies is greater cooperation between universities in order to jointly meet the increased requirements in technical, legal and didactic areas and to develop cross-university programmes. The joint project with seven partner universities in Lower Saxony and ELAN e.V. is thus making an important contribution to the development of Niedersachsen.
Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
Journalisten, Lehrer/Schüler, Studierende, Wirtschaftsvertreter, Wissenschaftler, jedermann
Gesellschaft, Informationstechnik, Pädagogik / Bildung, Sprache / Literatur, Wirtschaft
Studium und Lehre, Wissenschaftspolitik
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