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The number of trainees in Saxony has grown significantly recently, and now the quality of training will also be improved through digitalization: The "InnoVET-Kfz" project funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) at the Chair of Vocational Education at TU Dresden aims to make learning easier for trainees in the automotive industry using digital tools (including e.g. computer simulations). At the same time, the potential of digital examination stations is to be researched and tested in a second sub-project. The stations are intended to ensure that test candidates are assessed according to the same criteria and to reduce the burden on examiners.
In cooperation with various training institutions in Dresden, such as the "Gustav-Anton Zeuner" vocational school center, the "Haus des Kfz-Gewerbes Dresden" and two large regional training companies, the researchers want to further develop automotive training and examination. Gradual digitalization is a decisive measure to keep the trade up-to-date and efficient.
One aim of the project is to improve the fault diagnosis skills of trainees in the automotive industry. The successful processing of vehicle fault diagnoses requires a deep understanding of increasingly networked vehicle systems. Currently, around 80 percent of trainees remain below the desired level of competence at the end of their training period. A few trainees can quickly find the causes of complex faults, while many others are unable to identify even simple causes of faults, such as a defective dipped beam fuse, even after a long time.
This is where "InnoVET-Kfz" comes in with the introduction of a digitally supported learning environment. An integrated vehicle computer simulation enables authentic faults to be diagnosed independently of the vocational school and the training company. Simultaneously, learning content and tasks can be adapted to the individual level of the trainees. This should also reduce the time needed by the instructors in schools and companies and thus mitigate the effects of the current staff shortage.
The examination will be the final stage of their training. It is unclear how well the current forms of examination are actually suitable for measuring competence. Studies show that the results of the practical final trade examination often deviate from the results of scientifically tested specialist examinations. One possible reason for this could be the low level of standardization. In order to tackle this problem, the project aims to support or even completely replace suitable examination stations with the automotive computer simulation. This would allow diagnostic competence to be measured in a valid, reliable and therefore comparable manner. It is intended to reduce the human influence on the examination results and at the same time minimize the personnel and material requirements for the examination station.
Until the end of the project on December 31, 2026, intensive work will be carried out to make training and examination practice in the Dresden region efficient, modern and future-oriented.
Prof. Stephan Abele
Chair of Vocational Education
Tel.: +49 351 463-37641
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Pädagogik / Bildung
Forschungsprojekte, Wissenschaftspolitik
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