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World's Best Hospitals" ranking puts university in 5th place in Germany
Great success for Hannover Medical School (MHH): In the ranking of the American weekly newspaper "Newsweek", MHH is listed in 39th place among the top 250 clinics in the world and is in 5th place among German clinics. "This outstanding ranking is a great success for us both nationally and internationally and at the same time an incentive for the upcoming next round of the Excellence Initiative," says MHH President Professor Dr. Michael Manns. "Thanks are due to our dedicated employees who work as a team for the benefit of our patients."
"Newsweek" and the data portal Statista evaluated more than 2,400 clinics from 30 countries worldwide. The US Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, took first place worldwide; in Germany, Berlin's Charité is in first place. The annual ranking has been compiled since 2019 and shows the international reputation of a clinic and the networking of its doctors. The ranking is based in particular on doctors' recommendations, patient satisfaction surveys and medical performance indicators on treatment quality.
You can find the complete ranking here: World's Best Hospitals 2024 - Newsweek Rankings:
A symbolic photo. It shows two nursing staff in an intensive care unit at a patient's bedside.
Copyright: Karin Kaiser/MHH
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