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With a new fellowship programme, the Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER) is offering established scientists the opportunity to advance their research ideas and network during a guest stay at the IOER. The first call for applications has been launched. Applications can be submitted until 13 May 2024.
“With our new fellowship programme we are offering national and international scholars the opportunity to advance their research and network over a longer period of time and in close cooperation with the IOER team. The aim is to promote professional exchange and work together on innovative projects and publications,” explains Prof. Dr Marc Wolfram. The Director of the IOER emphasises that particular attention is paid to the potential synergies between fellows and the spatial sustainability science agenda of the IOER.
Calls for applications in this programme are issued twice a year, in March and September. Applications are assessed in a competitive selection process. Successful fellows are offered a scholarship for up to six months, a work place at the IOER and accommodation for the duration of their stay. They work together with an individual fellowship collaboration team of IOER researchers and can use all of the IOER's infrastructures and services.
Applications are open to established researchers – professorship holders as well as senior scientists with an internationally leading research profile and an excellent track record. The documents to be submitted include an innovative research proposal linked to the IOER's mission statement and research programme as well as a clear proposition regarding the targeted added value and specific synergies of the fellowship stay at the IOER. - information on the IOER Fellowship
Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
Journalisten, Wissenschaftler
Bauwesen / Architektur, Geowissenschaften, Gesellschaft, Umwelt / Ökologie
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