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Excellent digital teaching in Austria!
The FIBAA Accreditation and Certification Commission awards the FIBAA Quality Seal "Excellence in Digital Education"® to Campus 02 University of Applied Sciences in Graz, Austria.
The assessment of Campus 02 University by an expert panel appointed by FIBAA began in summer 2023. The University was able to meet the requirements of all 23 FIBAA quality criteria in the areas of strategy, personnel, technology, didactic design and quality assurance. In addition, it particularly convinced the review panel in those criteria relating to support and knowledge management for teachers regarding digital teaching methods, the technical infrastructure including support for students and quality assurance of the technology.
The topics of digital teaching and transformation have become indispensable for universities and educational institutions. With its quality seal "Excellence in Digital Education"®, FIBAA promotes innovation in the education sector and supports higher education institutions and institutions of initial and continuing education in seeing digitisation challenges as an opportunity for future teaching and learning scenarios. The certification process alone enables education institutions to assess and further develop the quality of their study programmes and education courses with regard to digital teaching and the implementation of digital teaching. Accordingly, with the final report, the education institutions do not only receive a description of the status quo, but also suggestions and recommendations for further strategic, technical, didactic, and personnel development. The certification with the FIBAA Quality Seal "Excellence in Digital Education"® is valid for five years.
Campus 02 University of Applied Sciences offers eight Bachelor's degree programmes in five departments as well as six Master's degree programmes and 39 academic continuing education courses. Thanks to a special organisational, content-related and didactic orientation, it is primarily targeting students who are able to complete a degree course at a university of applied sciences in close coordination with their professional activities. To date, the University has awarded more than 6,600 degrees.
FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation) is a European quality assurance agency for higher education and continuing education programmes. Founded in 1994, FIBAA is registered as an accreditation agency in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Indonesia, Vietnam and Ukraine. FIBAA is also a member of the European quality network ENQA (European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education) and registered with EQAR (European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education). Further memberships with CEENQA (Central and Eastern European Network of Quality Assurance), INQAAHE (International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education) and AQAN (ASEAN Quality Assurance Network) round off the international profile. With the certification "Excellence in Digital Education"®, FIBAA has created a nationally and internationally applicable instrument for quality assurance in digital teaching. It defines quality standards for digital teaching and learning and makes them nationally and internationally comparable.
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