idw - Informationsdienst
At the Center for Advanced Internet Studies (CAIS), the new research program "Designing Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence" starts in April under the direction of Prof. Dr. Hendrik Heuer. For the next five years, Heuer and his team will research whether users trust in AI systems and how this trust can be increased. Hendrik Heuer was jointly appointed by CAIS and the University of Wuppertal.
The research program aims to develop new social media by and for users. The ideas of the users should be incorporated into the development right from the start. At the same time, users can learn about AI. Principles of trustworthy artificial intelligence will be developed, technically implemented, and jointly tested in practical applications.
Trust in AI Through Understanding and Control
A focus area is measuring and analyzing users' understanding of AI systems. The research team places particular emphasis on the transparency and explainability of AI systems. Another focus area is how trust in AI systems can be increased through audit tools to prevent discrimination.
Preliminary work by Heuer and other researchers shows that it is of central importance to involve users deeply and sustainably in the development of AI systems. However, the appropriate methods and tools are currently lacking. The research team will help close this gap.
The topics and questions of the research programs at CAIS are the result of the "CAIS Research Incubator". In a systematic process, the topics on which the CAIS should conduct research are identified with the participation of numerous experts and people from the population.
Prof. Dr. Hendrik Heuer
Prof. Hendrik Heuer
Friederike von Heyden
Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
Journalisten, Wissenschaftler
Informationstechnik, Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaften
Organisatorisches, Personalia
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