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Leuphana University Lüneburg is expanding its range of courses on sustainable development with four research-oriented Master's programs. The new programmes deal with the importance of ecosystems, the sustainability transformation of organizations, the political and legal requirements for achieving sustainability goals and green and sustainable chemistry. The first three new programs will start in October this year. Applications are now open.
Despite the wide range of measures to promote sustainable development, many sustainability problems escalate even further. With its new study programs, Leuphana's Sustainability Science department wants to tackle the task of investigating the causes of a lack of sustainability and finding possible paths and solutions for shaping sustainable development.
The new Master's courses are based at Leuphana's School of Sustainability, which has been known for years for its international pioneering role in the field of sustainability research. Dealing with current research findings is just as much a feature of the course as the interdisciplinary nature of the programs.
With complementary studies, Leuphana's Graduate School also offers the unique opportunity to broaden your own horizons by engaging with other disciplines and thus develop an individual profile for your own contribution to a sustainable transformation.
The degree programs are offered in English and enable students to complete a doctorate as part of the doctoral track during their Master's degree or alternatively directly afterwards. Interested parties can arrange an individual consultation with the student advisory service for the Master's programs at the Graduate School. Further information is also available here:
Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
Journalisten, Lehrer/Schüler, Studierende, Wirtschaftsvertreter, Wissenschaftler, jedermann
Chemie, Politik, Recht, Umwelt / Ökologie, Wirtschaft
Organisatorisches, Studium und Lehre
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