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ATHENE, the National Research Center for Applied Cybersecurity, and the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure of the State of Israel are launching a new collaborative research program. For an initial period of three years, researchers from Israeli universities will work together with ATHENE scientists to research and develop solutions to pressing cybersecurity issues in the energy sector.
The energy sector is one of the most important critical infrastructures of any modern society. Interruptions in the supply of electricity, gas and oil can bring an economy to a standstill and cause enormous damage. The energy sector is already one of the primary targets of cyber criminals and state actors. According to a recent IBM study, more than 11% of all cyber-attacks on industry target the energy sector. More than 43% of cyber-attacks against the ener-gy sector hit targets in Europe. The majority of cyberattacks are economically motivated, such as the 2021 ransomware attack on Colonial Pipeline, which caused panic at gas stations on the east coast of the US. However, cyber-attacks by state actors in the context of political and military conflicts are also on the rise. Germany has also been affected by state-sponsored cyber-attacks: The Russian attack in 2022 on the Viasat satellite network, which is used for emergency communication in Ukraine, resulted in the loss of control of 5,800 wind turbines with a total output of 11 GW from Enercon no longer being controllable.
Improving the cybersecurity of energy supply is therefore one of the most important and urgent tasks of application-oriented cybersecurity research. Since 2022, there has been a close ener-gy partnership between Germany and Israel at the state level. As part of this energy partner-ship, ATHENE and the Israel Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure are launching a joint re-search program on cybersecurity in the energy sector. For an initial period of three years, the Israel Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure will fund researchers at Israeli universities who, together with ATHENE researchers, will lay the foundations for improving cybersecurity in the energy sector. The initial focus will be on the development of new, practical architectures for a more cyber resilient energy supply, the development of methods for detecting attacks at all levels of the energy sector, and the development of methods for defending against denial-of-service attacks against the energy sector.
To launch the research cooperation, a joint workshop of the participating researchers from Israel and Germany will take place on 6 May 2024 at the Goethe University Frankfurt, orga-nized by ATHENE and the German Energy Agency (dena). Under the direction of Prof. Dr. Haya Schulmann, Full Professor at Goethe University, member of the ATHENE Board, and Visiting Professor at the Universities of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, more than 40 people from German and Israeli research, industry, and politics will meet to discuss problems and solutions. Prof. Schulmann coordinates the research area within ATHENE that focuses on critical infrastruc-ture security issues. The workshop will be opened by the Vice President of Goethe University Frankfurt, Prof. Dr. Bernhard Brüne, and the CEO of ATHENE, Prof. Dr. Michael Waidner. After a minute of silence on the occasion of the Holocaust Remembrance Day, which is celebrated in Israel on May 6, there will be greetings by Bettina Stark-Watzinger, Federal Minister of Educa-tion and Research (BMBF), Timon Gremmels, Hessian State Minister for Higher Education, Research, Science, and the Arts (HMWK), as well as representatives of the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), the Embassy of Israel in Berlin and the Israel Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure. After introductory keynote speeches by Dr. Marie-Luise Wolff, President of the Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft (BDEW) and CEO of Entega AG, and Chen Girat, CISO of the Israel Electric Company, Israel's largest energy suppli-er, the content and details of the research cooperation will be discussed.
The National Research Center for Applied Cybersecurity ATHENE is the largest cybersecurity research center in Europe. ATHENE is a research center of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft that brings together the Fraunhofer Institutes for Secure Information Technology (SIT) and for Com-puter Graphics Research (IGD), Technische Universität Darmstadt, Goethe-Universität Frank-furt am Main, and Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences. ATHENE is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Hessian Ministry for Higher Education, Research, Science and the Arts (HMWK). Further information about ATHENE can be found at
Press Contact
Cornelia Reitz
ATHENE | Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information SIT
Tel.: +49 6151 869 368
Prof. Haya Schulmann
German-Israeli research cooperation on cybersecurity in the energy sector
Fraunhofer SIT
Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
Energie, Informationstechnik
Forschungs- / Wissenstransfer, Kooperationen
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