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This year, the renowned quality assurance agency FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation) is celebrating three decades of successful cooperation and innovation with its cooperation partners and clients.
FIBAA was founded in autumn 1994 by the leading associations of the Swiss, Austrian and German business communities as an internationally oriented foundation to ensure transparency and quality in the education sector. Its mission is to support and promote a wide range of educational institutions and organisations in quality assurance - from colleges and universities to further education institutions and companies.
Over the years, the agency has constantly expanded and improved its services to meet the changing demands of the educational landscape. It has introduced innovative and effective methods for assessing and improving the quality of study programmes and has thus become an important player in the national and international education landscape.
The continuous development and maintenance of close relationships with its cooperation partners and clients is one of the keys to FIBAA's success. Over the decades, the agency has managed to build a diverse and committed community of employees and experts who work together to improve the quality of education.
‘Our 30th anniversary marks an important milestone for us,’ says Diane Freiberger, Managing Director of FIBAA. ‘We are deeply grateful for the good cooperation with our numerous clients, employees, experts and partners. Their trust and commitment help us every day to improve the quality of education and make a positive contribution to the education community. We look forward to the coming years in which we will continue to set standards for the outstanding quality of education for national and international students.
About FIBAA: FIBAA is one of the ten accreditation agencies commissioned by the ‘Foundation for the Accreditation of Study Programmes in Germany’ to assess the technical content of Study Programmes.
The foundation is based in Zurich and the head office is in Bonn. The scope of FIBAA’s activities in other subject areas were broadened starting from 2002, when FIBAA became member of ENQA and since then FIBAA’s expertise has significantly grown in the last decades nationally and internationally – covering subject areas such as business administration, law, IT, educational and natural sciences as well as social sciences and humanities, incl. interdisciplinary subjects of these areas.
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