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24.07.2024 10:47

University of Stuttgart awards Baden-Württemberg entrepreneur Klaus Fischer an honorary doctorate

Lydia Lehmann Stabsstelle Hochschulkommunikation
Universität Stuttgart

    The University of Stuttgart has awarded an honorary doctorate to Prof. Klaus Fischer. The owner of the Fischer Group from the Black Forest, renowned for its anchors, construction kits, process consulting, and electronic systems, was honored at a ceremony held by the mechanical engineering faculties on July 19, 2024. He was recognized for his extraordinary commitment to science and his significant dedication to the University of Stuttgart.

    Rector Prof. Wolfram Ressel presented the certificate to the entrepreneur and Honorary Senator of the University of Stuttgart. Fischer received the award in the presence of numerous notable figures from business, science, politics, and society. He was honored for his achievements in the fields of structural engineering, production and process engineering, and mechanical engineering, among others. Fischer is renowned not only as an entrepreneur but also for his development work, where he applies the latest scientific methods in an interdisciplinary manner while addressing cutting-edge research topics. One notable example is the development of an active house that generates more energy than it consumes and can be recycled entirely.

    Responsibility in and for business, science and society

    Prof. Oliver Riedel, Dean of the Faculty of Design, Production and Automotive Engineering at the University of Stuttgart, emphasized in his laudatory speech that Fischer takes on and lives responsibility both in and for business, science and society. He consistently focuses on innovation, promotes interdisciplinary work in his company, is himself involved in 38 patent specifications and supports the success of the University of Stuttgart, for example through research projects, endowed professorships and prizes.

    In his laudatory speech, Dr. Wendelin Wiedeking, former CEO of Porsche, provided insight into how Fischer manages his company according to the Japanese work philosophy Kaizen, with the motto "No day without improvement." Dr. Wiedeking highlighted Fischer's development of the Fischer process system, which actively involves, challenges, and encourages employees to strive for continuous improvement. Wiedeking also emphasized how Fischer consistently gets to the heart of the matter with his targeted questions in the Corporate Advisory Board, effectively steering discussions in the right direction and thereby enhancing outcomes. He noted that in everything Fischer does, the focus is never on himself but always on the customer.

    Unanimous decision to award honorary doctorate

    The honorary doctorate is the highest academic honor bestowed by the University of Stuttgart. The application submitted by the Faculty of Design, Production and Automotive Engineering at the University of Stuttgart to award Klaus Fischer an honorary doctorate was unanimously approved by the Senate of the University of Stuttgart in May.

    Fischer, born in 1950, has been an honorary senator of the University of Stuttgart since 1999 and has already received numerous awards for his services to interdisciplinary research in mechanical and civil engineering.

    Weitere Informationen:


    Klaus Fischer is being honored for his extraordinary commitment to science and for his significant dedication to the University of Stuttgart.
    Klaus Fischer is being honored for his extraordinary commitment to science and for his significant d ...

    The University of Stuttgart has awarded an honorary doctorate to Prof. Klaus Fischer. From left to right: Dr. Wendelin Wiedeking, Prof. Klaus Fischer with his wife Sabine Fischer, Rektor Prof. Wolfram Ressel, Prof. Oliver Riedel and Prof. Kai Hufendiek.
    The University of Stuttgart has awarded an honorary doctorate to Prof. Klaus Fischer. From left to r ...

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