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30.08.2024 15:59

TU9 STEM Study Exploration Week 2024 Your STEM Xperience – Shaping the Future Together

Nicole Saverschek TU9 Hauptstadtbüro
TU9 German Universities of Technology

    Today marks the successful end of the fourteenth “TU9-ING-Woche”, the TU9 STEM Study Exploration Week for students from German schools abroad. From August 26 to 30, 2024, TU Braunschweig welcomed 20 students from 15 different countries who are interested in pursuing a degree in engineering or the natural sciences in Germany.

    With the slogan “Your STEM Xperience – Shaping the Future Together”, the participants were given comprehensive insights into various fields of engineering and natural sciences. The focus was on practical experience, for example at the chemistry lab for school students. At Akaflieg Braunschweig (a group of aeronautical engineering students), they were able to experience the development and construction of aircraft prototypes up close. A visit to the Lions Racing Team, which takes part in international Formula Student competitions, focused on student projects in automotive engineering, followed by a tour of the Institute of Automotive Engineering. Other visits to institutes, such as the Robotics and Sustainable Urban Development departments, also gave the students the opportunity to find out more about the courses on offer and university research.

    Excursions and a city tour rounded off the varied program. As part of the Lichtparcours 2024 (Light Parcours), the participants went on a raft trip in Braunschweig and visited the VW plant in Wolfsburg. This gave the students the opportunity to get to know each other and talk to other alumni from German schools. On Friday, Professor Angela Ittel, TU9 Co-President and President of TU Braunschweig, bid farewell to the participants: “We are delighted with the great interest shown by our young international guests and hope that we have been able to fully inspire some of them during the trial week to study science and engineering at one of our leading Technical Universities.”

    The TU9-ING-Woche is partially funded by the German Federal Foreign Office as part of the BIDS program of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Students in the 11th and 12th grades can apply. Prerequisites include very good grades in STEM subjects and German – and, of course, a particular interest in natural sciences, technology, and engineering.

    About TU9
    TU9 is the Alliance of leading Universities of Technology in Germany: RWTH Aachen University, Technische Universität Berlin, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Technical University of Darmstadt, TUD Dresden University of Technology, Leibniz University Hannover, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Technical University of Munich, and University of Stuttgart.

    TU9 Universities take special responsibility for the productive and innovative strength of our society and economy. We help shape the future by contributing to digitization and the energy and sustainability transition, to name a few. To this end, we combine our specific expertise in basic research, especially in the natural sciences and engineering, with applied research and innovation. TU9 Universities enjoy an outstanding reputation around the world as renowned research and teaching institutions. As such, they train exceptional young academics for careers in science, business, and administration and assume social responsibility. TU9 Universities foster top-class international networks and diverse cooperation with industry, making them a key element of Germany as a location of science and innovation.

    Wissenschaftliche Ansprechpartner:

    Dr. Inken Dose



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