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02.09.2024 14:27

Teaching Old Birds New Tricks: Zebra Finches Defy Age-Related Learning Limits

Dr. Sabine Spehn Kommunikation (PR)
Max-Planck-Institut für biologische Intelligenz

    We all know the adage, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks." As we age, our ability to learn new skills, like mastering a foreign language or picking up a musical instrument, seems to fade. The culprit? A decline in brain plasticity—the brain's capacity to rewire itself and adapt to new challenges. But what if we could rewind the clock on this age-related decline? A new study led by Daniela Vallentin at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence offers a tantalizing glimpse into this possibility.

    The Feathered Fountain of Youth

    Vallentin's team focused on zebra finches, songbirds known for their elaborate vocalizations. Like many animals, zebra finches have a critical period for song learning, within their first 90 days of life. After this window closes, their brains become less flexible, and inhibitory neurons put the brakes on further learning. The researchers wondered: Could they lift this neural blockade and restore the birds' youthful learning ability? Using cutting-edge techniques like optogenetics, they precisely switched off these inhibitory neurons in adult zebra finches. The results were remarkable. The birds, once thought to be stuck with their existing repertoire, began to add new elements to their songs. "We observed an expansion of the adult animals' vocal repertoire that was previously thought impossible," says Fabian Heim, the study's lead author.

    Beyond Birdsong: Implications for Human Aging

    This discovery extends far beyond the realm of birdsong. It suggests that the brain's capacity for learning may be far more resilient than previously thought. Similar learning windows exist in humans, affecting everything from language acquisition to social development. If scientists can identify and manipulate the mechanisms that control these critical periods, it could open doors to new therapies for neurodegenerative diseases and injuries that impair learning. Imagine a future where the adage about old dogs and new tricks is finally retired.

    Wissenschaftliche Ansprechpartner:

    Dr. Daniela Vallentin
    Lise Meitner Research Group Leader
    Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence


    Disinhibition enables vocal repertoire expansion after a critical period;
    Fabian Heim, Ezequiel Mendoza, Avani Koparkar and Daniela Vallentin;
    Nature Communications, online August, 31 2024

    Weitere Informationen: - Group website


    Reactivate lost learning abilities: Study shows how old zebra finches can learn new songs again
    Reactivate lost learning abilities: Study shows how old zebra finches can learn new songs again

    © MPI for Biological Intelligence / Julia Kuhl

    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Journalisten, Lehrer/Schüler, Studierende, Wissenschaftler, jedermann
    Forschungsergebnisse, Wissenschaftliche Publikationen



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