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23.09.2024 08:48

ESMT Berlin and KfW Capital announce joint venture capital executive education program under WIN initiative

Martha Ihlbrock Corporate Communications
European School of Management and Technology (ESMT)

    The Institute for Deep Tech Innovation (DEEP) at ESMT Berlin, in collaboration with KfW Capital, is developing a new executive education program for leaders in the venture capital sector. This program is part of the Growth and Innovation Capital for Germany (WIN) initiative, launched by the German federal government to strengthen the country's venture capital ecosystem and foster innovation in the technology sector.

    The venture capital (VC) education program, one of ten key components of the WIN Initiative, will target both fund managers (General Partners) and passive investors (Limited Partners). It is designed to provide critical knowledge and practical insights, enabling participants to better understand venture capital as an asset class and prepare for successful investments. The curriculum will cover strategies, regulatory frameworks, and technological and geopolitical factors shaping the VC environment.

    “This program will equip investors with the skills and expertise necessary to foster innovation and, in turn, drive the growth of startups in Germany,” says Jörg Rocholl, president of ESMT Berlin. “It will strengthen the entire venture capital market in Germany and Europe, making it competitive on a global scale.”

    “'Venture Education' is the foundation for attracting additional investor groups to the asset class of venture capital,” says Dr. Jörg Goschin, Co-CEO of KfW Capital. “A development program, particularly in the area of venture capital, which we are initiating together with ESMT as part of the federal government's WIN initiative, plays a crucial role in this. We are delighted to have found such a strong partner in ESMT for this endeavor.”

    The WIN initiative (“Growth and Innovation Capital for Germany”) was launched at the Start-up Summit to meet the growing capital demand for fostering innovation and entrepreneurship in Germany. The initiative brings together public and private funds, with €1.75 billion in public funds being supplemented by private investments, creating a total of €3.5 billion for the venture capital market. This is aimed at ensuring long-term growth for innovative startups and significantly strengthening Germany’s position as a leading global tech hub.

    Development of the executive education program will begin later this year, with the first cohort of around 30 participants starting in 2025. With this initiative, ESMT underscores its commitment to providing excellent education and promoting responsible leadership in the investment sector.


    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Kooperationen, Studium und Lehre



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