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12.02.2025 13:33

New Space for Innovation: Opening of #MOIN Working Space in Bremen

Christina Selzer Hochschulkommunikation und -marketing
Universität Bremen

    Space for creative exchange and innovation: The research and transfer initiative “#MOIN – Model Region Industrial Mathematics” of the University of Bremen officially opened its new co-working space in the Digital Hub Industry facilities on Tuesday, February 11.

    The newly created co-working space offers researchers and employees of participating companies the opportunity to work on real-world problems in a shared environment. The first events and collaborations are already taking place in the space, supporting the exchange between research and industry and developing innovative solutions for current challenges. The model region is picking up speed.

    Innovation Wins Through Cooperation

    During the opening ceremony, company representatives emphasized the importance of the exchange with researchers and the resulting innovation wins

    Frauke Meyer, Director of Finance and Administration at the University of Bremen, emphasized the importance of the #MOIN initiative: “The #MOIN workspace is more than just a place to work – it is a space for creativity, sharing ideas, and synergies. Flexible work areas, an open design, and an inspiring atmosphere support innovative ideas and encourage productive collaboration in this important knowledge transfer project.”

    “We are very excited about our new #MOIN workspace, where science and business can work hand in hand. This not only strengthens the transfer of knowledge, but also the innovative power of the region. We would like to thank our Director of Finance and Administration, Frauke Meyer, for her great commitment in making this space a reality, and everyone who will now fill this room with life,” said principal investigator Prof. Büskens.

    Making Industrial Mathematics Accessible to All

    #MOIN has been supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) since 2023 as part of the “T!Raum” - TransferRäume für die Zukunft von Regionen” sponsor program. The initiative is led by the Center for Industrial Mathematics at the University of Bremen and is being implemented in collaboration with other partners from academia, business, and administration. "#MOIN aims to show that (industrial) mathematics is accessible and full of opportunities for everyone, from schools to high technology, from business to politics," says principal investigator Professor Christof Büskens. The aim is to free mathematics from its elitist, abstract reputation and make it a vibrant and useful academic subject - for schools, industry, and society in general. To this end, #MOIN engages in a broad exchange process with society, culture, education, politics, and business. #MOIN wants to become an integral part of the economy and civil society and play a decisive role in shaping the digital transformation in the region, for example in schools, industry, and society.

    Wissenschaftliche Ansprechpartner:

    Prof. Dr. Christof Büskens (principal investigator)
    Center for Industrial Mathematics
    Optimization and Optimal Control Research Group
    University of Bremen
    Phone: +49 421 218-63861

    Weitere Informationen: (only available in German)


    Director of Finance and Administration Frauke Meyer opened the co-working space in the Digital Hub Industry.
    Director of Finance and Administration Frauke Meyer opened the co-working space in the Digital Hub I ...

    TOPAS gGmbH

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    Forschungs- / Wissenstransfer, Kooperationen



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