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The Commission of Experts for Research and Innovation (EFI) presented its annual report to the German Federal Government today. Innovation economist Professor Carolin Häussler from the University of Passau is also a member of the committee. The potential of new quantum technologies is a key topic in the 2025 report.
According to the Commission of Experts for Research and Innovation (EFI), quantum technologies promise ground-breaking innovations in various fields: from powerful quantum computers and ultra-precise sensors to highly secure communication systems. German players are well placed to keep up with the competition from the USA and China in the long term and take a leading role in these future fields. Although the development of many quantum technologies is still in its infancy, the right strategic course must be set today. Above all, coordinated European efforts and a reliable research and innovation policy from the new German government are required.
European cooperation is essential
The race for the leading position in quantum technologies is currently dominated by research institutions and companies from the USA, the EU and China. China's rapid race to catch up over the last two decades is particularly remarkable: While at the beginning of the 2000s, around 85 per cent of the world's scientific publications on quantum computing were produced with US or European participation, China has now overtaken the two frontrunners. “As a single player, Germany has a difficult time competing internationally in quantum computing,” says Professor Carolin Häussler, Chair of Organisation, Technology Management and Entrepreneurship at the University of Passau and member of the EFI. “Close cooperation and the pooling of forces within the EU is therefore essential in order to enable ‘Quantum Computing Made in Europe’ in the future, for example. To this end, it is important to create a strong European innovation ecosystem in which research institutions, companies and investors network across borders and coordinate their activities,” says Häussler.
Quantum research needs reliable policies
Quantum research is highly complex and expensive. It requires clever minds, complex and highly specialised infrastructure and long-term commitment - because it often takes years to predict which specific processes and technologies will ultimately prevail. Political backing and planning security are therefore needed to successfully drive forward pioneering quantum projects. “The EFI recommends that the new German government create a coherent framework for the further development of quantum technologies with a national quantum strategy,” explains Häussler. This includes long-term and flexibly adaptable technology roadmaps, the targeted expansion of regional innovation clusters with clear research priorities, easy access to state-of-the-art research infrastructure and the establishment of a quantum benchmarking platform. Targeted promotion of expertise in the field of quantum technologies and improving the attractiveness of the location for top international researchers are also important in order to remain internationally competitive.
Excellent starting position to significantly advance quantum technologies
The United Nations has declared 2025 the year of quantum science and quantum technologies. “The quantum year 2025 is an important sign,” explains Professor Irene Bertschek, Head of the Research Department “Digital Economy” at ZEW Mannheim and Deputy Chair of the EFI, “because quantum technologies are considered key technologies of the future.” In addition to an enormous increase in computing power through quantum computers, the new technologies promise highly secure communication, important advances in autonomous navigation and breakthroughs in medical diagnostics. “Many applications of quantum technologies, such as universally applicable quantum computers, are currently still a long way from market maturity. This gives Germany the opportunity to help shape further developments and significantly advance quantum technologies,” continues Bertschek. “Thanks to excellent basic research and a strong tradition in quantum physics, Germany has an excellent starting position for this.”
Focusing more on the transfer of research results
US technology giants such as IBM, Microsoft and Google are currently working flat out to transfer new findings from quantum research into practical applications. Of the almost 1,800 patent applications worldwide in the field of quantum computing over the last two decades, around half have come from the USA and only a good 70 from Germany. This is often a weakness in the German research and innovation system. “Excellent research in Germany alone is not enough to secure a leading position in global competition in the long term,” warns Bertschek. “Germany has too often developed ground-breaking ideas that were later brought to market elsewhere,” adds Uwe Cantner, Chairman of the EFI and Professor at the University of Jena. In order to avoid this with quantum technologies, the transfer of research results into marketable applications must become more of a focus. Specifically, the EFI is calling for support for founders from research, improved financing conditions for start-ups and state anchor customer contracts for key large-scale projects.
It is uncertain whether revolutionary new technologies such as the universal quantum computer will be available in five, ten or fifteen years' time. What is clear, however, is that quantum technologies harbour great potential for innovation. They offer Germany and the EU the opportunity to take a leading position in a key technology of the future. The new German government should not miss this opportunity.
Four questions to Professor Carolin Häussler:
From the perspective of an innovation economist: Why is the German economy not running smoothly?
We are struggling not only with economic weaknesses, but above all with structural weaknesses. The latter have existed for some time. But now they are so glaring that there is an urgent need for action. However, we are now facing a situation in which growth dynamic is lacking, exports are declining and company insolvencies are on the rise. This is exacerbated by a transformative change driven by digitalisation and decarbonisation. Change always means opportunity - but only if you have the means to seize the opportunity. This is currently difficult in Germany. This can be seen, for example, in the slow pace of research and development activities and the associated low willingness to invest in them. We are seeing that Germany is falling behind in patent applications, especially in artificial intelligence, and companies are relocating abroad and investing in start-ups elsewhere.
What needs to be done?
We need to restart the flywheel connecting politics, science, business, and investors. But that will only happen if we remove the brakes holding it back. We now need to create the framework conditions so that we can utilise the opportunities that ground-breaking technologies and innovations offer us today. In this respect, entrepreneurial initiative and a willingness to take risks must be encouraged. The high costs of failure must come down so that companies can once again boldly innovate instead of sticking with the tried and tested. Excessive regulations and reporting obligations must be reduced. This not only creates freedom for companies, but also expands the scope for more efficient government action. One of the EFI's key recommendations to the German government is that it needs a clear vision and strategy in research and innovation policy, clear strategic guidelines and more assertiveness. All ministries need to align with the momentum of the flywheel. We also need an adequate and effective governance structure. For example, we recommend bundling the responsibilities for research and innovation policy in a Federal Ministry for Research, Innovation and Technology (BMFIT). And we reiterate our recommendation to finally create a digital ministry that outlines the broad lines of the digital transformation, develops strategies and drives them forward in a coordinating manner.
Where does Germany stand in the international competition for quantum technologies?
Thanks to excellent basic research and applied research and development in quantum physics, German players have a good starting position in international competition in quantum computing. But this must not be squandered. Although many developments in quantum technologies are still at an early stage, US technology giants such as IBM, Microsoft and Google are already working flat out to transfer new findings from quantum research into practical applications. One example: of the almost 1,800 patent applications worldwide in the field of quantum computing over the past two decades, around half come from the USA and only a good 70 from Germany, i.e. just under 4 per cent. This is often a weakness in the German research and innovation system, because excellent research alone is not enough to secure a leading position in global competition in the long term. Germany has too often developed ground-breaking ideas that were later brought to market elsewhere.
In your opinion, should the new German government put quantum technology at the top of its agenda?
We have a great opportunity here to take a leading global position in a key technology of the future and thus raise Germany and Europe to the top as a centre of technology. In the future, “Quantum Computing Made in Europe” may even become possible. For this, however, we need the right framework conditions, which the new German government must ensure. However, there is a need for action not only for economic reasons, but also for security reasons. The enormous increase in computing power through quantum technology increases the risk of cyber attacks - a threat to private, commercial and political areas where secure communication is important. Action must be taken today, because tomorrow will be too late. Why? Because it is already foreseeable today that conventional encryption techniques will no longer be secure thanks to quantum computers.
This text was machine-translated from German.
Professor Carolin Häussler
Chair of Organisation, Technology Management and Entrepreneurship
University of Passau
e-mail: Interview with Professor Carolin Häussler in the digital research magazine of the University of Passau
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