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21.05.2019 15:30

Shaping a liveable future world of work through global research collaboration

Sabine Hoffmann Unternehmenskommunikation
DLR Projektträger

    Around the world, jobs are already undergoing profound changes due to digitalization. The German Federal Research Ministry is holding its first “BMBF Forum International” in Berlin on 21-22 May 2019 on the subject of “The Future of Work”. Representatives of German and international research, industry, and government will come together to discuss opportunities and potential solutions for shaping a liveable future world of work. At the same time, the BMBF’s international research marketing campaign on “The Future of Work” is starting in France, Japan and the USA.

    Berlin, 21 May 2019 The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) wants to utilize international cooperation in education and research to provide answers to what jobs will be like in the future when people and machines will work more closely together and robots and artificial intelligence will be part of our working lives in such diverse areas as industry, nursing care and agriculture.

    Today the Federal Minister of Education and Research, Anja Karliczek, will be inaugurating, via video message, the first “BMBF Forum International”, which is being launched for the specific purpose of strengthening Germany's international research links.

    This first Forum which runs from 21 to 22 May is on the topic “The Future of Work” and features international keynote speakers such as the well-known economist Dr Daniel Susskind of Oxford University and 250 further representatives of academic and research institutions, government and industry. Together they will be identifying potential synergies and bringing together strategies to develop solutions for the challenges of the digitalized work of the future.

    A highlight will be provided by the accompanying interactive exhibition with numerous German and international projects and innovations from the areas of digitalization and automation as well as artificial intelligence and robotics. Promising products and research projects on the topics of big data, ethical issues, psychology, health, social security and legal aspects in the digital working world will all be featured.
    “The Future of Work” is also the focus of the latest international BMBF campaign, which is marking its start today as well. With the launch of this campaign, Federal Minister Karliczek will send ten top-class German research networks in the field of Work 4.0 on an 18-month world tour to discuss solutions for our future working worlds with renowned colleagues at conferences and other events and also at institutes and robotics laboratories in France, Japan and the United States.

    In Japan, German researchers will be finding out, for example, how socially interactive robots help residents and their professional careers and family members in nursing homes; in France virtual reality made in Germany is helping to achieve breakthrough innovations in the plastics-processing industry, and in the USA, automation and artificial intelligence are improving efficiency and environmental protection and worker safety in commercial laundries, for example when robotic arms equipped with sensors automatically remove scalpels from dirty hospital laundry.

    BMBF Forum International

    The Forum will be held every two years to promote synergies in international cooperation on research and development and to bring together the answers of German and international research to pressing issues of relevance for the future.

    Research in Germany – Land of Ideas

    The initiative “Research in Germany” is a measure of the Federal Government’s Internationalization Strategy. The goal is to increase Germany's international visibility as an attractive place to study and engage in research and innovation, and to raise awareness of the ways to access Germany as a location for research. The theme of the current campaign is “The Future of Work” and provides a platform for 10 excellent research networks over a period of 18 months to present their innovative projects on the future of work around the world and attract international partners. The campaign is run by the DLR Project Management Agency on behalf of the BMBF.

    DLR Project Management Agency

    The DLR Project Management Agency specializes in providing services that support the promotion of research, innovation and education. As one of Germany’s largest project management organizations, it supports Federal and Länder ministries in the implementation of research funding programmes and also works for the European Commission and various associations and foundations.

    Further information:

    Event website (in German):
    Campaign website:


    Jennifer Neumann
    DLR Project Management Agency
    European and International Cooperation
    Rosa-Luxemburg-Strasse 2
    10178 Berlin, Germany
    Phone: +49 30 67055 9679


    Key visual BMBF-Forum International
    Key visual BMBF-Forum International
    German Federal Ministry of Education and Research

    attachment icon Press release

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