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10.05.2021 - 10.05.2021 | Münster

Roundtable on the ideal EU in the eyes of European citizens

Against the background of the "Conference on the Future of Europe", political scientists from the University of Münster are hosting a webinar on 10 May about 4 pm on how to overcome the EU's legitimacy crisis through reforms. They will discuss with a panel of renowned experts about how to increase citizen support for the EU. Registration is free of charge.

Engaging citizens in a debate about the future of the European Union (EU) - that is the aim of the "Conference on the Future of Europe", which kicks off on 9 May. But what kind of EU do citizens want? Political scientists at the University of Münster conducted a survey in six European countries as part of the multi-disciplinary research project "RECONNECT", which deals with the rapprochement between Europe and its citizens through democracy and the rule of law. The research team will present the results in a public webinar on 10 May from 4 pm. Afterwards, the team will discuss with a panel of renowned academic experts how these findings could be reflected in potential reforms of the EU and what their implications are for the "Conference on the Future of Europe". Everybody interested can register free of charge via the link below.

The findings of the team led by Prof. Bernd Schlipphak and Prof. Oliver Treib show that citizens from different countries and social groups have divergent views on the ideal EU. But across all countries and social classes, citizens want more participation and transparency in European policy-making as well as more equity between member states. In the panel discussion with Prof. Brigid Laffan (European University Institute Florence), Prof. Vivien A. Schmidt (Boston University) and Prof. Michael Zürn (Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin), the experts will discuss ways to overcome the EU's legitimacy deficit and strengthen citizens' support for the EU. The audience will be able to ask questions to the panellists via chat.

The event is part of the two-year conference on the future of Europe, which consists of citizen-driven debates and discussion sessions. People from all over Europe have the opportunity to share their ideas and participate in shaping their common future. The conference provides a public forum for open and transparent citizen debates on key priorities and challenges in the EU. It is jointly supported by the EU Member States as well as the EU institutions (Council, European Parliament and European Commission).

About the RECONNECT project

RECONNECT is a four-year multidisciplinary research project on ‘Reconciling Europe with its Citizens through Democracy and the Rule of Law’. With an explicit focus on strengthening the EU’s legitimacy through democracy and the rule of law, RECONNECT aims to understand and provide solutions to the recent challenges faced by the European Union. As one of the 18 academic partner institutions from 14 countries, the project team at the University of Münster's Department of Political Science specifically focuses on citizen attitudes toward EU reform. The project is funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 Framework Programme.

Hinweise zur Teilnahme:
Everybody interested can register free of charge via the link below.


10.05.2021 ab 16:00




Online-Seminar at
University of Münster
Institut of Political Science









Seminar / Workshop / Diskussion




Jana Haack


Stabsstelle Kommunikation und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

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