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02.11.2006 16:08

Sustainable Neighbourhood - from Lisbon to Leipzig through Research (L2L) - Call for papers

Dr. Andreas Hoffknecht Innovationsbegleitung & Innovationsberatung
VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH

    As part of the German EU Council Presidency 2007 the 4th BMBF Forum for Sustainability entitled "Sustainable Neighbourhood - from Lisbon to Leipzig through Research (L2L)" will take place in Leipzig from 8-10 May 2007. This conference on research for a sustainable development in Europe is hosted by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres, Leibniz Association and Max Planck Society.


    The aim of this conference is to position sustainability research as an engine for European competitiveness within the Lisbon Agenda. It is a cooperative event between policy and scientific communities, which seeks to provide a forum to debate current research in this field, the interaction between policy, economic and research communities, as well as future research priorities.

    The conference will represent a highlight in the German EU Presidency. The Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Dr. Angela Merkel, is invited as patron and the event will be hosted by Dr. Annette Schavan, the Federal Minister of Education and Research. The European Commission will be represented by Dr. Janez Potocnik, Commissioner for Science and Research.

    The conference is expected to attract approx. 500 international participants, including scientists and researchers, funding institutions, political decision makers, representatives of industry, as well as press and media.

    We invite proposals for oral presentations and posters for all areas. An international Scientific Committee will select the final list of speakers and poster presenters on the basis of submitted abstracts. Posters will be presented in special sessions to participants, policy-makers, journalists and the interested public with room for discussions.

    Deadline for submitting abstracts: 22 December 2006

    Further Information:

    Dr. Günter Reuscher
    Zukünftige Technologien Consulting
    der VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH
    Graf-Recke-Str. 84
    40239 Düsseldorf
    Tel. +49-211-6214688

    Weitere Informationen: - conference information



    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Biologie, Gesellschaft, Meer / Klima, Umwelt / Ökologie, Wirtschaft
    Buntes aus der Wissenschaft, Wissenschaftliche Tagungen, Wissenschaftspolitik


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