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11.05.2021 16:47

DFKI has a new CFO

Reinhard Karger M.A. DFKI Saarbrücken
Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH, DFKI

    The non-profit German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) has a new Chief Financial Officer. Helmut Ditzer has taken over the position of CFO at DFKI in Kaiserslautern and, together with DFKI CEO Prof. Antonio Krüger, has formed the top management of the research institution since May 3.

    Helmut Ditzer holds a degree in business administration. He has many years of experience in strategic planning, bid, project, and investment controlling and was Head of Controlling at Swiss Post Solutions for over 12 years.

    At DFKI, he is currently responsible for the finance controlling of more than 250 ongoing research projects. He is in charge of the management, coordination, and resource planning of the administrative and commercial area of DFKI with several departments and is thus accountable for all financial and business matters.

    Helmut Ditzer will continue to structurally orchestrate DFKI's organic growth so that DFKI, given the economic and societal importance of the results of AI research, is securely positioned as an attractive employer and research partner in the future.

    About the DFKI
    The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) has operated as a non-profit, Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) since 1988. Today, it maintains sites in Kaiserslautern, Saarbrücken, Bremen, a project office in Berlin, a laboratory in Lower Saxony, and branches in Lübeck, St. Wendel, and Trier.

    The DFKI combines scientific excellence and commercially-oriented value creation with social awareness and is recognized as a major "Center of Excellence" by the international scientific community. In the field of artificial intelligence, DFKI has focused on the goal of human-centric AI for more than 30 years. Research is committed to essential, future-oriented areas of application and socially relevant topics. Currently, with a staff of about 1,120 employees from more than 65 countries, DFKI is developing the innovative software technologies of tomorrow. The financial budget was 64.6 million euros in 2020.


    Helmut Ditzer, Antonio Krüger
    Helmut Ditzer, Antonio Krüger


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    Helmut Ditzer, Antonio Krüger

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