Graduates of TUM are keenly sought in the international job market. This is seen yet again in the new Global University Employability Ranking. In the latest edition, TUM is 13th worldwide and is number four in Europe behind the universities in Cambridge and Oxford and Imperial College London.
The ranking indicates the quality of graduates from the point of view of employers. For the latest edition, more than 11,000 managers in 21 countries were surveyed who recruit staff internationally. They work in a wide range of industries and with companies of various sizes. The ranking, commissioned annually by the British magazine Times Higher Education (THE), is compiled by the French management consulting firm Emerging.
TUM has placed among the world’s best universities for years. It currently ranks 13th overall, and rounds out the leading quartet in Europe alongside the University of Cambridge (4th), the University of Oxford (6th) and Imperial College London (11th).
The outstanding preparation of students provided by TUM for the digital economy was also highlighted by the Digital Leaders in Higher Education rankings, where TUM ranks 11th worldwide.
The students themselves are also highly satisfied with the study conditions. In the most recent CHE University Rankings, TUM received excellent grades from students in many different subject areas. Global University Employability Ranking 2024 TUM in rankings Studying at TUM
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