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16.10.2024 13:20

Success for HHU in the global THE Rankings: position among the top 15%

Dr.rer.nat. Arne Claussen Stabsstelle Presse und Kommunikation
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf

    World University Rankings 2025

    In the “Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2025” – for short: THE Rankings – Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (HHU) once again appears in the ranking group “251 – 300”. This puts HHU among the top 15% of the more than 2,000 participating universities from 115 countries. HHU scores particularly highly in the performance indicator “Research Quality”, where it ranks in the top 10%.

    The THE Rankings take account of various indicators from the five areas of research environment, teaching, research quality, industry and international outlook, enabling the renowned, London-based Times Higher Education magazine to offer an international benchmark based on the best academic institutions in the world. 2,092 universities worldwide actively participated in the current 2025 Rankings.

    In the criterion “Research Quality”, HHU improved its position from 280 to 207, putting it in the top 10% in an international comparison and in 13th place among German universities.

    This criterion comprises a number of bibliometric indicators, i.e. parameters that can be used to describe academic publication activities. “Citation impact”, i.e. how often a publication is cited in other works compared with the typical number of citations in a subject, accounts for 50%. This is a measurement of the extent to which ideas are picked up and built on internationally by other researchers.

    The remaining 50% is accounted for by the research strength of the institution (how broad-based the research is), research excellence (how frequently publications by HHU researchers rank in the top 10% in their subject) and research influence (which measures the relevance of the articles in which work from HHU is cited).

    Professor Dr Stefan Marschall, Vice President for International Relations and Science Communication, is delighted with the excellent results: “Academic publications and above all how they are perceived by peers are an important benchmark for measuring the quality of research work at a university. We are very pleased that HHU has done so well here in the THE Rankings. This achievement is the result of a great deal of effort and commitment by many people at our University who are passionate about their subjects.”

    Weitere Informationen:


    In the current 2025 THE Rankings, HHU is among the top 15% of all universities worldwide.
    In the current 2025 THE Rankings, HHU is among the top 15% of all universities worldwide.


    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Wettbewerbe / Auszeichnungen, Wissenschaftspolitik


    In the current 2025 THE Rankings, HHU is among the top 15% of all universities worldwide.

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