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19.03.2021 13:45

Mastory - A Revolutionary Math Education Platform to Help Transform Algebra I

Raphael Rönn Stabsstelle für Presse und Kommunikation
Freie Universität Berlin

    Mastory, a German-Hungarian startup hoping to revolutionize the way students learn math, was recently announced as a winner of the “Balance the Equation: A Grand Challenge for Algebra 1” grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The grant was intended for applicants who could transform the traditional math classroom, targeting specifically Algebra 1, which they see as a gatekeeper to future success. It placed particular focus on reaching Black, Latino, and ESL students in U.S. Title 1 schools, which the education system has been historically imbalanced against. Mastory with its engaging storyline math platform, was a perfect fit to address these challenges.

    Mastory’s objective is to make math fun and accessible for all students. The Internet of Things (IoT) platform presents students with a game that takes place in a fantasy world and along the way they solve problems with their team. Through this process they develop not only mathematical skills, but also gain social skills and develop confidence. Teachers and parents who homeschool can customize the games to specific students’ needs and track their progress along the way.

    Hoping to reach students of all different backgrounds, the founders view the digitalization and gamification trends in education as an opportunity to equalize the playing field, “we truly believe that equal opportunities must start with the democratization of education which would benefit society as a whole” highlighted the CEO Márta J Vitális. Due to its engaging platform and customizable nature where teachers can adjust lesson plans to their class’ needs, Mastory can be particularly successful in reaching young Black and Latino students. It also effectively reaches students who often don’t see the relevance of math to their daily lives.

    With the “Balance the Equation” grant, Mastory is now able to run pilot programs at Title 1 middle and high schools in the United States, who often have majority Black and Latino populations. If successful, Mastory hopes to make its platform available to students across the United States, extend to all K-12 math education, and eventually expand to Asian and European markets.

    Mastory was founded in late 2020 and is a storyline centered IoT solution to supplement core Algebra 1 education in school and at home. Its digital fantasy world creates an experience-oriented and emotionally meaningful learning environment. It is currently supported by a Berliner Startup Stipendium/European Social Fund.

    Further Information

    Marere Alshuth, Mastory, International Relations, Tel.: 01573 549 2012, Email:


    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Journalisten, Lehrer/Schüler
    Informationstechnik, Mathematik
    Forschungs- / Wissenstransfer, Schule und Wissenschaft



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