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16.08.2023 18:22

Khwe community members visit Goethe University Frankfurt’s Oswin Köhler Archive

Pia Barth Public Relations und Kommunikation
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main

    Oswin Köhler Archive continues collaboration with Namibia’s Khwe: An exhibition at the University Library

    Dear Ladies and Gentlemen

    The Oswin Köhler Archive at Goethe University Frankfurt’s Institute of African Studies houses the world's largest collection of documents on the Khwe language and culture in Namibia, compiled by the Africanist Oswin Köhler between 1959 and 1992. A process to research and catalog the collection began in 2015, with the parallel aim of developing ways of working together with members of the Khwe community and creating forms of presentation that meet their needs and interests. An exhibition on the results and challenges of this collaboration will be on display until September 4, 2023. Its title:

    “We are happy to see these things” – again
    Collaborations of the Oswin Köhler Archive with Namibia’s Khwe.
    With a view towards continuing the collaboration and developing further projects, a three-week workshop with four Khwe representatives from Namibia is currently underway, funded by the Centre for Interdisciplinary African Studies (Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Afrikaforschung, ZIAF).

    To mark the occasion, we hereby invite you to a press briefing, during which the four Khwe representatives from Namibia will also be present to answer questions. The event will take place

    on August 25, 2023, at 11 a.m.
    at the Johann Christian Senckenberg University Library, Central Library
    Bockenheimer Landstraße 134-138, 60325 Frankfurt, Germany
    Schopenhauer Studio (ground floor)

    Language: English, translation into German if required.

    The following people will participate in the discussion:

    - Thaddeus Chedau, Khwe Headman from Mutc'iku, Bwabwata National Park, Namibia
    - Sonner Ciayi Geria, Chairman of the Khwe Custodian Committee from Chetto, Bwabwata National Park, Namibia
    - Hendrik Mbangu, younger brother of Oswin Köhler's late field assistant Ndo Tinene from Mutc'iku, Bwabwata National Park, Namibia
    - Snelia Mangonga, granddaughter of former Khwe Chief Martin Ndumba from Mutc'iku, Bwabwata National Park Namibia
    - Professor Dr Axel Fanego-Palat, Managing Director of Goethe University Frankfurt’s Institute of African Studies
    - Dr Karen Hahn, Coordinator of the ZIAF Centre for Interdisciplinary African Studies, Goethe University Frankfurt
    - Dr Gertrud Boden, Research Associate at the Oswin Köhler Archive (Research and Documentation Center for Bequests in German and International African Studies), Institute of African Studies, Goethe University Frankfurt
    - Moderator: Professor Dr Rainer Voßen, former director of the Institute of African Studies and head of the Oswin Köhler Archive

    We are looking forward to welcoming you and reading your coverage of this event!
    We kindly ask that you register by sending an email to


    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Geschichte / Archäologie, Gesellschaft, Kulturwissenschaften



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