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Around 300 representatives from research, teaching and administration from the nine universities of the EUPeace Alliance, supported by Erasmus+ funds as part of the European Universities Initiative, met online on February 13, 2024 for the first EUPeace Academic Networking Event.
The meeting gave participants the chance to learn more about the Alliance, get to know the EUPeace community and offered the opportunity to exchange ideas with colleagues from other universities. "This is the foundation for further cooperation," emphasized the Head of the Alliance, Professor Dr. Evelyn Korn, during the welcome at the virtual assembly.
The Deputy President of the University of Marburg also explained the importance of EUPeace within the European educational landscape: "What can a more peaceful world look like that gives more people opportunities for a good life and personal and collective development? The members of our Alliance Universities want to find answers to these questions together across generations, countries and disciplines and make them effective for society. With well-founded, interdisciplinary, networked analysis that covers all areas from the development of new technologies to their social implementation, as well as with joint study and teaching programs."
Professor Thorsten Bonacker, President’s Delegate for EUPeace in Marburg, explained the long-term and transformative goals of the Alliance. Followed by a personal introduction of members of the Alliance's Governing Board.
Due to the high number of participants, the networking had been structured in advance by means of an academic matching and was moderated by Susanne Ulrich, an expert in coaching and leadership. Researchers, teaching staff and representatives from the administrations of the partner universities met at virtual group tables for more than 140 intensive peer-to-peer discussions in small coordinated groups.
In a final round in the virtual auditorium, the participants shared their experiences from the discussions and ideas for future collaboration. In order to further develop and realize the plans for joint research and teaching, members of the Alliance can also apply for the second funding round of the EUPeace Fund.
The next virtual EUPeace Academic Networking Event is planned for October 8, 2024.
Background: EUPeace
The consortium of nine universities geographically extends from Madrid, Spain (Comillas Universidad Pontificia) to Limoges, France (Université de Limoges), Giessen (Justus-Liebig Universität Giessen) and Marburg, Germany (Philipps-Universität Marburg), Pilsen, Czech Republic (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni), Rende, Italy (Università della Calabria), Mostar (Sveučilište u Mostaru) and Sarajevo (Univerzitet u Sarajevu), Bosnia and Herzegovina and beyond the borders of the European continent to Adana in southern Turkey (Çukurova Üniversitesi), reflecting the cultural and political diversity of Europe. The participating universities are located in regions with great diversity and, in some cases, a recent history of conflict. This diversity with its challenges represents an important point of the network: respect for diversity and pluralism as the core of European values.
The EUPeace Alliance pursues a socio-political approach that equips the European citizens of tomorrow with skills and knowledge that will contribute to the promotion of peace, justice and inclusive societies in Europe and the world. The member universities want to develop innovative teaching and learning formats and joint study programs involving all disciplines - from social sciences to life sciences and engineering - and tackle current and future societal challenges in joint research and outreach projects.
Prof. Dr. Evelyn Korn
Deputy President
University of Marburg
Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
Forschungsprojekte, Wissenschaftspolitik
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